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(ˌdʒɛn əˈsi)

a river flowing N from N Pennsylvania into Lake Ontario. 144 mi. (230 km) long.
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{Gennessee = Genesee River, which flows north through central New York State to Lake Ontario--at the time of Cooper's story it was still on the frontier of settlement}
“Why, as master has gone down country to see his mother, who, they say, is going to make a die on’t, I agreed to take the school in hand till he comes back, It times doesn’t get worse in the spring, I’ve some notion of going into trade, or maybe I may move off to the Genesee; they say they are carryin’ on a great stroke of business that-a-way.
TransAlta has entered into definitive agreements with Capital Power providing for the swap of their respective non-operating interests in the Keephills 3 facility and the Genesee 3 facility.
The West Midlands Mayor says transportation services company Genesee & Wyoming's choice of Birmingham for its new UK office shows the West Midlands' importance as a centre for transport innovation.
The Birmingham office, which is set to bring 100 jobs to the city, houses Genesee & Wyoming's new UK shared service centre.
Genesee and Wyoming, which is based in Connecticut, opened its new base in The Lewis Building this week.
Viener, who has 15 years of financial services industry experience, has most recently been the community president in Flint and Genesee County.
The Genesee County Economic Development Center has approved reassigning the terms of previously approved payments in lieu of taxes for Upstate Niagara Cooperative.
On March 23 the Genesee District Dental Society convened a meeting with a number of knowledgeable, concerned colleagues and leaders from local, state and national agencies.
(NYSE: CRY) has exercised its right to acquire the PhotoFix bovine pericardium patch from Genesee BioMedical, Inc.
Medical device company CryoLife (NYSE:CRY) stated on Thursday that it has exercised its option to acquire the PhotoFix bovine pericardium patch (PhotoFix) from Genesee BioMedical for a purchase price of USD2.3m in cash.

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