Similarly, the material of line scales and
gauge blocks respond to temperature change with expansion: a 1 [degrees]C change in steel would introduce an error of approximately ten parts per million in the distance measured, while with precise temperature measurement (with a resolution of 0.01 K), this error can be reduced to the level [10.sup.-7] (26-30).
Gauge blocks are being calibrated by two methods: interferometric calibration and calibration by mechanical comparison to reference
gauge block.
Although deformation of straight and uniform artifacts has been described for end standards such as
gauge blocks, e.g., the use of Airy and Bessel points (3-4), their applicability to artifacts of general geometry has not been sufficiently addressed in the literature.
Calibration and re-calibration of these gauges is carried out using matched pairs of
gauge blocks to control the height of the foot relative to the probe tip, one block either side of the tip and using a disposable
gauge block to hold the tip in position while the gauge reading is checked.
Gauge blocks are length artefacts ranging in size from 0.5mm to 1000mm.
The Linear 100 with MarCheck offers a more economical alternative to rings and
gauge blocks for shop-floor mastering of inner and outer comparative measuring equipment, 2-point measuring instruments, inside calipers, and dial comparator snap gauges.
For many small measuring tasks, it's easier to use
gauge blocks than to use a tape measure.
The company, which has a team of six, supplies metal
gauge blocks for the manufacturing industry.
* Corrugator roll depth gauge: After zeroing and using appropriate
gauge blocks for calibration, this instrument measures the chordal flute depth of the corrugating rolls.
A story told to me many years ago said that it was Henry Ford who brought back the first set of Johansson
gauge blocks from Europe to the U.S.
Any skilled machinist who has used Johannsen
gauge blocks in measuring and checking his work would not be surprised at all.