Geometric morphometrics supports the proposed molecular taxonomy for three
Eucinostomus species (Perciformes: Gerridae) along the coasts of Mexico.
Dominguez y Fockedey (2001), determinaron la presencia de peces de interes comercial como mojarras (Gerridae: Gerres cinereus,
Eucinostomus spp.), anchoas (Engraulidae: Engraulis ringens, Anchoa sp.), pejereyes (Atherinidae: Atherinidae sp., Artherinopsis californiensis, Nectarges sp.), asi como el uso de esta area como region de desarrollo y alimentacion de la gran mayoria de migrantes mareales, entre ellos larvas de camaron (Penaeidae), cangrejos de mar (braquiurus) y peces.
Occurrence of the flagfin mojarra,
Eucinostomus melanopterus (Bleeker, 1863) (Perciformes: Gerreidae), near Mar del Plata city (Argentina): southernmost occurrence on the western Atlantic coast.
Litopenaeus LISE setiferus Fish Ariidae Ariopsis felis ARFE Bagre marinus BAMA Atherinopdisae Menidia menidia MEME Carangidae Chasmodes CHBO bosquiartus Carcharhinidae Caranx hippos CAHI Clupeidae Carcharhinus CALI limbatus Cynoglossidae Brevoortia BRPA patronus Cyprinodontidae Symphurus SYPL plagiusa Dasyatidae Cyprinodon CYVA variegatus Elopidae Dasyatis sabina DASA Engraulidae Flops saurus ELSA Gerreidae Anchoa mitchilli ANMI Gobiesocidae
Eucinostomus EUAR argenteus Gobiidae Gobiesox spp.
In terms of abundance, the five most important species were Selene peruviana, which accounted for 23.08% of the total abundance, followed by
Eucinostomus entomelas (7.74%), Etropus crossotus (3.92%), Diapterus peruvianus (3.72%), and
Eucinostomus gracilis (3.67%).
Eucinostomus aprion was the most abundant demersal fish species totalling 2.0% of the fish caught, followed by "carapeba" Microgobius meeki with 753 specimens.
Eucinostomus dowii, and Balistes polylepis during the summer, accounting for 90% of the relative abundance in each season.
sierra is an opportunistic ichthyophagous predator in the coastal epipelagic zone, which has an impact on species that form dense schools (Anchoa and
Eucinostomus species).
Clupeidae Anchoa tricolor Clupeidae Sardinella brasiliensis Clupeidae Opisthonema oglinum Engraulidae Cetengraulis edentulus Ephippidae Chaetodipterus faber Gerreidae Diapterus olisthostomus Gerreidae
Eucinostomus argentius Gobiidae Bathygobius soporator Gobiidae Gobionellus sp.