Improvement of NO release has been reported to explain the antihypertensive effects of other herbs, including Allium eriophyllum (32) and Ginkgo biloba (33) as well as synthetic drugs such as inorganic nitrates.
The Antihypertensive Effects of Hydroalcoholic Extract of Allium Eriophyllum Leaves on Rats with Simultaneous Type 2 Diabetes and Renal Hypertension.
14.4 [+ or -] 1.0 9.8 [+ or -] 2.8 Eriogonum douglasii 10.6 [+ or -] 1.6 Eriogonum heracleoides 7.9 [+ or -] 0.8
Eriophyllum lanatum 0.5 [+ or -] 0.2 Fragaria vesca ssp.
ERIOPHYLLUM LANATUM 'TAKILMA GOLD' This variety of the Western native known as Oregon sunshine reaches 18 inches tall and blooms spring through fall.
Two study plots are established on Santa Barbara Island, one in habitat dominated by rock crevices, and the other dominated by
Eriophyllum nevinii, a low shrub that provides shelter to nesting murrelets.
(Fabaceae; Lupinus hereafter) and seaside woolly sunflower,
Eriophyllum staechadifolium Lag.
(=Gilia aurea Nutt) (Polemoniaceae), Plantago spinulosa (Plantaginaceae),
Eriophyllum wallacei Gray (Compositeae), Necacladus longiflorus, and Bromus rubens L.
The site is a coastal bluff scrub dominated by the shrubs
Eriophyllum staechadifolium Lag.
heterophyllus), red Wester columbine (Aquilegia formosa), indigo-colored woolly blue curls (Trichostema lanatum), and yellow yarrow (
Eriophyllum confetiflorum) reach their peak bloom.
The dominant species of seedlings present in the burned area were the shrubs Arctostaphylos purissima and Ceanothus impressus, the subshrubs Helianthemum scoparium and
Eriophyllum confertiflorum, and the perennial herbs Dichelostemma pulchella and Blumeria crocea.
(Asteraceae); and seaside woolly sunflower,
Eriophyllum staechadifolium Lag.
texanum, Eriogonum spp.,
Eriophyllum lanosum, Lesquerella gordonii, Lepidium lasiocarpum, Lotus spp., Phacelia crenulata) occurred as seedlings in some years (5 species in 1989/1990, 9 in 1990/1991, and 10 in 1991/1992), but no dormant seeds were found.