Eastern Province

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Eastern Province

(Physical Geography) another name for Eastern Cape
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in classic literature ?
There is no money in Abyssinia, except in the eastern provinces, where they have iron coin: but in the chief provinces all commerce is managed by exchange.
In the flourishing times of the Roman Empire, it was the ordinary station of the prefect of the eastern provinces; and many of the emperors of the queen city (among whom may be mentioned, especially, Verus and Valens) spent here the greater part of their time.
Abizaid met Prince Saud bin Naif, governor of the Eastern Province, at his office in Dammam, the Saudi Press Agency reported.
Saudi Entertainment Ventures (Seven), a unit of the Public Investment Fund -- the Kingdom's sovereign wealth fund -- is set to build a new amusement park on a 100-hectare site in the Al Aziziyah area of the Eastern Province.
The company is focusing on developing recreation and entertainment facilities in the Eastern Province, which has a growing population of about 4.9 million, stated the report, citing a top official.
King Salman arrived from the Eastern Province where he made a visit after taking part in the 30th Arab League summit held on Sunday in Tunisia.
Global Banking News-September 5, 2018--China launches research centre in Eastern province for digital currency
BANKING AND CREDIT NEWS-September 5, 2018--China launches research centre in Eastern province for digital currency
M2 EQUITYBITES-September 5, 2018--China launches research centre in Eastern province for digital currency
A team of female doctors at a government hospital in Al-Khobar in the Eastern Province came up with the idea following the lifting of ban on women driving, Saudi Gazette reported.
Haritha Aluthge said Eastern Province Governor Rohitha Bogollagama had instructed officials to pay the arrears before the Sinhala-Hindu New Year and to pay the increase in overtime payments by May.

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