

n.1.The rate at which palpable energy is dissipated away into other forms of energy.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in periodicals archive ?
The scheme S (and other standard-type QGD-schemes, see below) possesses no the property of entropy dissipativity since its entropy balance equation contains indefinite non-divergent mesh imbalances [19].
Huang, "Dissipativity of one-leg methods for dynamical systems with delays," Applied Numerical Mathematics, vol.
Alsaedi, "Dissipativity and stability analysis of fractional-order complex-valued neural networks with time delay," Neural Networks, vol.
Johnson, "Dissipativity analysis of the base isolated benchmark structure with magnetorheological fluid dampers," Smart Materials and Structures, vol.
Huang, "Dissipativity, stabilization, and regulation of cascade-connected systems," IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol.
In the case when the controlled system is linear and time-invariant, its hyperstability property can be mathematically characterized by its transfer matrix being positive real which is closely related to the dissipativity and passivity (or positivity) of such a system and this translates in parallel in the feature that its associated input-output energy is nonnegative for all time irrespective of the controller under operation.
To facilitate the closed-loop control using the optimal active control force computed by (10) or (31), a semiactive constraint is introduced by taking the intrinsic dissipativity and force limitation properties of the self-sensing MR damper into account to derive the desired semiactive control force implementable by the damper
Velmurugan, "Dissipativity analysis of memristor-based complex-valued neural networks with time-varying delays," Information Sciences, vol.
The topics include state estimation and SMC of Markovian jump singular systems, SMC of Markovian jump singular systems with stochastic perturbation, the stability and stabilization of switched state-delayed hybrid systems, SMC of switched state-delayed hybrid systems in continuous-time and discrete-time cases, the control of switched stochastic hybrid systems in the continuous-time and discrete-time cases, and SMC with dissipativity of switched stochastic hybrid systems.
Lam, "Stability and dissipativity analysis of distributed delay cellular neural networks," IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, vol.
Tajdine, Nonlinear balance for reaction-diffusion equations under nonlinear boundary conditions: dissipativity and blow-up, J.
The above suggestion is based on the idea about the proximity of the frequencies of self-excited oscillations, characteristic of a turning system, to its natural frequencies as a result of the weak dissipativity. If we limit ourselves to the approximate construction of the limits of the region of stability in the space of parameters of the system on the basis of the first method of Lyapunov, then the simplified model, built on the basis of the principle indicated, will prove to be completely correct for finding the solution to the optimization problem by the criterion of maximum productivity of mechanical processing with corresponding limitations.