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n.1.(Zool.) The common gazelle (Gazella dorcas). See Gazelle.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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"Take back your Corinne ," said Maggie, drawing a book from under her shawl.
I foresaw that that light-complexioned girl would win away all the love from Corinne and make her miserable.
The great novelist vibrated between two decanters with the regularity of a pendulum; the famous divine flirted openly with one of the Madame de Staels of the age, who looked daggers at another Corinne, who was amiably satirizing her, after outmaneuvering her in efforts to absorb the profound philosopher, who imbibed tea Johnsonianly and appeared to slumber, the loquacity of the lady rendering speech impossible.
And Madame de S was very far from resembling the gifted author of Corinne .
In the end, it was Corinne's ordinariness that I loved, not the strange creature, or the magic, or even the adventure itself.
LIKE the rest of us getting ready for a night out Corinne Williamson picks her outfit, selects her accessories and applies her make-up.
Mark, 45, donated a kidney to his daughter Corinne when she suffered complications while pregnant three years ago.
He believes the same will be true for Corinne Hutton, who is hoping to have the surgery at Leeds General Inrmary later this year.
Why does Madame de Stael set the conclusion of Corinne ou l'Italie (1807) in Florence?
Corinne Frankland, 44, had the glass smashed in her face after she accidently bumped into a woman in a busy bar.
Corinne Sawers is seen holding the gold-plated weapon - similar to those found among Saddam Hussein's treasures after the 2003 Iraq invasion - in her profile pictures .The image of Oxford graduate Corinne, 23, in front of a family Christmas tree could cause problems for her father, MI6 boss Sir John.