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(Historical Terms) the Cordeliers a political club founded in 1790 and meeting at an old Cordelier convent in Paris
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Those which first caught the eye were the Bernardins, with their three bell towers; Sainte-Geneviève, whose square tower, which still exists, makes us regret the rest; the Sorbonne, half college, half monastery, of which so admirable a nave survives; the fine quadrilateral cloister of the Mathurins; its neighbor, the cloister of Saint-Benoit, within whose walls they have had time to cobble up a theatre, between the seventh and eighth editions of this book; the Cordeliers, with their three enormous adjacent gables; the Augustins, whose graceful spire formed, after the Tour de Nesle, the second denticulation on this side of Paris, starting from the west.
/ Or sui Robers, or sui Robins, / Or cordeliers, or jacobins.
Immunoscore proprietary technology, pioneered by Jeirome Galon at the Cordeliers Research Center, Paris, France, integrates immunohistochemistry combined with sophisticated algorithm and advanced imaging analysis enabling extraction of spatially-organized tissue molecular information.
As part of the agreement, the partnership will develop innovative immune gene expression assays on the NanoString nCounter Analysis System based on discoveries of Dr Jerome Galon, research director at the Institut National de la Sante et de la Recherche Medicale (Inserm) and his team (Inserm UMRS1138) at Cordeliers Research Center.
Our clinical program, due to commence second quarter of this year, in refractory NIU, will greatly benefit as a result of this designation, and several reputed Centres across Europe have expressed their keenness to participate in the upcoming clinical trial, says Professor Francine Behar-Cohen (Chief Medical Director of the Gonin Ophthalmic Hospital in Lausanne, and Director of Inserm Team From physiopathology of retinal diseases to clinical developments, at Cordeliers Research Centre - Inserm/UPMC/Paris-Descartes University Unit 1138, Paris), the scientific founder behind this novel concept.
Smith); Centre de Recherche des Cordeliers, Paris, France (J.E.
Researchers led by Ariane Berdal of the Universite Paris-Diderot and Sylvie Babajko, Research Director at Inserm Unit 872 "Centre des Cordeliers" have shown that the teeth of rats treated with low daily doses of BPA could be damaged by this.
From Saumur-Champigny, Chateau de Targ (Majestic) has been a perennial favourite, and the Clos de Cordeliers 2009 is positively luscious, certainly by Loire standards.