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This point is illustrated by the following attempt by a combattant to convince me to join them:
Shalit was a combattant. Those released for him were terrorist murderers.
3 Cf 'Cite de la Musique: le Parcours du Combattant', in d'Architectures, No 52, Jan/Feb 1995.
[beaucoup moins que] Raqqa sera liberee grace a ses enfants arabes, kurdes et turkmenes, des heros combattant sous la banniere des FDS, avec la participation active des Unites de protection du peuple kurde (YPG) et des Unites de protection de la femme (YPJ), en coordination avec la coalition internationale [beaucoup plus grand que], a declare la porte-parole de l'offensive.
Cette derniere lui a raconte s'etre approchee d'un rebelle pour temoigner de son soutien et avoir fait une plaisanterie au sujet du president Bachar al-Assad, mais il y a eu un malentendu et le combattant l'a accusee.
Les terroristes s'etaient ensuite retranches ces derniers jours dans le quartier NA 3 en bordure de mer, a annonce un combattant pro-GNA.
"Les combattant d'Al-Nosra et de Ghouraba al-Cham affluent chez nous des que l'armee attaque mais ils disparaissent a la fin des combats", se felicite ce professeur d'arabe qui habite avec sa femme et ses cinq enfants a Boustane al-Bacha, fief des combattants islamistes.
Dictionary browser
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- combat service support element
- combat service support elements
- combat ship
- combat support
- combat support elements
- combat support troops
- combat surveillance
- combat surveillance radar
- combat survival
- combat trousers
- combat vehicle
- combat visual information support center
- combat zone
- Combatable
- combatant
- combatant command
- combatant command (command authority)
- combatant command chaplain
- combatant commander
- Combater
- combating terrorism
- combative
- combatively
- combativeness
- combat-ready
- Combattant
- Combbroach
- combe
- combed
- comber
- comb-footed spider
- combi
- combinable
- combinate
- combination
- Combination by volume
- Combination by weight
- Combination car
- combination circuit
- combination firing circuit
- combination in restraint of trade
- combination influence mine
- combination lock
- combination mission/level of effort-oriented items
- combination plane
- combination printing
- combination remedies
- combination room
- combination salad
- combination shot
- combination therapy
- ▼
Full browser
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- Combating Terrorism Financing
- Combating Terrorism Readiness Initiative Fund
- Combating Terrorism Readiness Initiatives Fund
- Combating Terrorism Technology Support
- Combating Terrorism Technology Support Office
- Combating Terrorism Technology Task Force
- Combating Underage Drinking
- Combating Weapons of Mass Destruction
- combative
- combative
- Combative dualism
- Combative dualism
- Combative dualism
- Combative dualism
- Combative Oriental & Defendu Arts
- Combative Self-Protection System
- combatively
- combatively
- combativeness
- combativeness
- Combatives
- Combatives
- Combatives Defensive Tactics International
- combats
- combats
- combats
- combats
- combats
- Combattant
- Combattants de la Vente Zoraï
- combatted
- combatted
- combatted
- combatted
- combatting
- combatting
- combatting
- combatting
- Combattre pour le Socialisme
- Combbroach
- Combe
- Combe
- Combe
- Combe
- Combe
- Combe (disambiguation)
- Combe Capelle
- Combe Martin Post Office
- Combe Martin Silver Mines Research and Preservation Society
- combed
- combed
- combed
- Combed cotton
- Combed cotton
- combed for
- combed for her
- combed for him
- combed for it
- combed for me
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