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Related to Coal drawer: Coal driver, Coal hurrier, Coal thruster


 (hûr′ē, hŭr′-)
v. hur·ried, hur·ry·ing, hur·ries
To move or act with speed or haste. See Synonyms at speed.
1. To cause to move or act with speed or haste: hurried the children to school.
2. To cause to move or act with undue haste; rush: was hurried into marriage.
3. To speed the progress or completion of; expedite: hurried the delivery of the product.
n. pl. hur·ries
1. Activity or motion that is often unduly hurried; haste: I forgot my gloves in my hurry to catch the bus. See Synonyms at haste.
2. The need or wish to hurry; a condition of urgency: in no hurry to leave.

[Possibly Middle English horien, perhaps variant of harien, to harass; see harry.]

hur′ri·er n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.hurrying - changing location rapidlyhurrying - changing location rapidly    
movement, move, motion - the act of changing location from one place to another; "police controlled the motion of the crowd"; "the movement of people from the farms to the cities"; "his move put him directly in my path"
speedup, acceleration, quickening - the act of accelerating; increasing the speed
deceleration - the act of decelerating; decreasing the speed; "he initiated deceleration by braking"
scud, scudding - the act of moving along swiftly (as before a gale)
Adj.1.hurrying - moving with great haste; "affection for this hurrying driving...little man"; "lashed the scurrying horses"
fast - acting or moving or capable of acting or moving quickly; "fast film"; "on the fast track in school"; "set a fast pace"; "a fast car"
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