

(Medicine) another word for catheterization
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Limitations of the study: When related with the pulmonary pressure, expressed echographically and not by cardiac catheterism, as it is stipulated in the Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of pulmonary hypertension,1 and the study group is small.
The early diastolic velocity of the mitral annulus (E') is well correlated with the relaxation indices measured by catheterism (Ommen et al).
Several methods of study of the heart exist to evaluate the function of intermittent pump; among them exists, the cardiac catheterism, the cardiac scintillography during effort with [sup.201]Ta, two-dimensional heart ultrasound, phono-cardiography, Doppler cardiography, electrocardiography, cardiac fluoroscopy and cardiac image contrast (3,8) in which the determination of the SV can serve as a useful indicator of the physiological relation between the size of the heart and the cardiac adaptations specific to different types of sports training (21).
With the advent of the cardiac catheterism and the cinecoronariographia the branches and distribution of the coronary arteries became the reason of careful studies with the aim of helping in the diagnosis of coronary diseases.
This article deals with urethral catheterism and it is inspired by the actions for the preventive and integral care of the persons.
Limitations of the study: PAPs has not been determined in an invasive manner, through catheterism, which is the method indicated for diagnosing HP in present guide, but HP was estimated through a echocardiographic method.
The advent of the cardiac catheterism (Forssman, 1929), with the consequential possibility of obtain biopsies (Bashour, 1974), reperfusion (Gruentzig, 1981), insert electrode pacemakers (1960) or practice techniques of radiofrequency ablation (Cosio, 1991) it has offered hierarchy within the radiological field.