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(Placename) a spring on Mount Parnassus: in ancient Greece sacred to Apollo and the Muses and believed to be a source of inspiration
Casˈtalian adj
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Identified by Vernon Gay, Rose Hill, Iowa; Dwayne Hanson, Brandon, Minn.; Earl Ashby, Port Hope, Ontario, Canada; Duane Bjerketvedt, Henning, Minn.; Fred Yutzy, Vermontville, Mich.; Ed Appel, Galesburg, Ill; Jim Palmer Jr., Castalia, Iowa; Anthony Dimuccio, Hope, R.I.; Charles Young, Palo, Iowa; Robert Scholz, Elmo, Mo.; John Ernst, Iowa City, Iowa; Jerome Holker, Beardsley, Minn.; James L.
In Section 5, the framework implementation and performance evaluation in Castalia [5] are discussed.
Aminta traducido de Torquato Tasso, edicion de Joaquin Arce, Castalia, 1970.
I pointed out last March 21 in this column the report prepared by Castalia Strategic Advisors for the Philippines-Australia Partnership for Economic Reform and NEDA comparing a JICA-financed airport project and Mactan T2.
This computerized system of the ERC's processes had been concretized through consultancy support from Australian firm Castalia Strategic Advisors; as well as Steve Roe and Associates.