A bill sponsored by Council Member
Carlina Rivera would require the city to complete an assessment of storefront businesses in at least 20 commercial districts every three years.
Carline contains
carlina oxide, carilene, inulin, bitters, phenol, palmitic acid, tannins and flavanoids; this indicates it is antispasmodic, antibiotic, antiseptic, anti-bacterial, carminative, digestive, diuretic, emetic in large doses, febrifuge, vermifuge and purgative.
Carlina Leake was staying at a caravan nearby when she saw smoke coming from the static accommodation in front of her.
Carlina Leake was staying in a caravan nearby when she saw smoke coming from the static accommodation in front of her.
It points to the case of Jaycee Dugard, who was abducted aged nine in California and found 18 years later, and
Carlina White, who was snatched as a baby from a New York hospital in 1987 and later learnt the truth at 23.
Joshua, Noel and
Carlina Gamos are in jail awaiting trial.
Allium lehmani), extra-regional Tyrrhenian (Biscutella maritima) or South Italian distribution (
Carlina sicula subsp.
Once Hurricane Florence made landfall in North
Carlina on Sept.
Da un lato, e particolarmente gustato e desiderato--le osterie sono nei paesi meridionali, e non soltanto in essi, uno dei pochi centri di aggregazione; dall'altro, l'eccesso di vino e stigmatizzato come vizio e segno di uomo di scarso valore, "ubriacone" e termine con una forte connotazione negativa, come negativamente connotata e l'espressione proverbiale calabrese omu di vinujnon vali un
carlina (il carlino e stato, come e noto, una moneta preunitaria).
Carlina. In Dialogue with Reggio Emilia: Listening, Researching and Learning.