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(kɑːl) or


(Historical Terms) archaic another word for churl
[Old English, from Old Norse karl]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014



Archaic. a man of the common people.
[before 1000; Middle English; Old English -carl < Old Norse karl man, c. Old High German karl; akin to churl]
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References in classic literature ?
Almost immediately the new houseman, Carl, had come running from the Greystoke house, saying that the girl's mistress wished to speak with her for a moment, and that she was to leave little Jack in his care until she returned.
Intuitively, the danger to the child flashed upon her, and with a shriek she dashed down the steps and up the walk toward the taxicab, into which Carl was now handing the baby to the swarthy one within.
Just before she reached the vehicle, Carl leaped in beside his confederate, slamming the door behind him.
Leaping to the running-board, she had attempted to snatch the baby from the arms of the stranger, and here, screaming and fighting, she had clung to her position even after the taxicab had got under way; nor was it until the machine had passed the Greystoke residence at good speed that Carl, with a heavy blow to her face, had succeeded in knocking her to the pavement.
Reality has since copied Prince Carl with an astonishing faithfulness.
She seemed a good, quiet girl, vigi lant as to Lena's needs, Gustav's tumbles, the state of Carl's dear little nose--conscientious, hardwork ing, and all that.
He will sit for hours together poring over the work of some African explorer, and upon two occasions I have found him setting up in bed at night reading Carl Hagenbeck's book on men and beasts."
Whatever faults and vices were Carl von Horn's cowardice was not one of them, and it was without an instant's hesitation that he had elected to return to succor the girl he believed to have returned to camp, although he entertained no scruples regarding the further pursuit of his dishonorable intentions toward her, should he succeed in saving her from her other enemies.
Carl Data has invested millions of dollars into building technology that is revolutionizing the way industries extract value from their data.
But Carl, pictured, who was a keen canoeist and a strong swimmer, got into difficulty in the water himself.
As Carl passed, he realised he had to help when he saw how badly damaged one of the cars was.
Dad-of-one Carl helped Dominic release the reverse one but as they ditched the main parachute, the instructor's legs became tangled up in it.