Campagna di Roma

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Cam·pa·gna di Ro·ma

 (kăm-pän′yə dē rō′mə, -mä, käm-)
A low-lying region surrounding Rome, Italy. It was a favorite residential area during ancient times but was largely abandoned for centuries because of the prevalence of malaria. Much of the region was reclaimed and repopulated in the 19th and 20th centuries.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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a Roma tutti quanti, senza eccezione, si facciano enormi illusioni, cosi quelli che vedono il Tevere scorrer latte, o stillar miele i grami arbusti della campagna di Roma, e sognano in Campidoglio l' universale conciliazione degli animi, come gli altri che dalle catacombe di Roma presumono dissotterar non sappiamo quale Italia di lor fantasia e gia si camuffano da Cola di Rienzo.
And Hachmeister's concern in this book is not just with Goethe, but with how later German authors 'participate in and engage with a long tradition of writers before them' and, in particular, how they react and respond to the subject of Tischbein's famous painting, Goethe in der Campagna di Roma (1787) (p.

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