California Personality Inventory

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Noun1.California Personality Inventory - a self-report personality inventory originally derived from the MMPI; consists of several hundred yes-no questions and yields scores on a number of scales including dominance and self acceptance and self control and socialization and achievement etc.
self-report inventory, self-report personality inventory - a personality inventory in which a person is asked which of a list of traits and characteristics describe her or him or to indicate which behaviors and hypothetical choices he or she would make
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The finding of greater variability in high-ability subjects confirms findings from the Myers-Briggs type indicator (Brand, Egan & Deary, 1994) and the California Personality Inventory (Shure & Rogers, 1963).
Personality was assessed through five widely used self-report inventories, as follows: California Personality Inventory (CPI) This instrument assesses 20 `folk concepts', `the kinds of everyday variables that ordinary people use in their daily lives to understand, classify, and predict their own behavior and that of others' (Gough, 1987, p.
As part of the Omnibus Survey conducted monthly by the Office of National Statistics, the California Personality Inventory (CPI) was completed in the summer of 1996.

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