Diet composition and feeding habits of fish larvae of two co-occurring species (Pisces: Callionymidae and
Bothidae) in the North-western Mediterranean.
Bothidae Bothus leopardinus 9 121 Monolene asaedai 15 F.
lethostigma (Pisces:
Bothidae) in North Carolina estuaries.
The 2 flatfish families Pleuronectidae and
Bothidae contained the greatest species richness across each sampling area, with a total of 6 species sampled over the 2 nearshore areas and 9 species sampled over the offshore area.
Bothidae, the group in which de Groot (1971) placed the turbot Scophthalmus maximus (Linnaeus), has gill rakers with small teeth on each raker.
33) discovered that differences between sexes, especially in some species of the family
Bothidae, may be found in scales, rostral and orbital spines, interorbital widths, form of the fins, coloration, and (in one species) teeth.
Bothidae: Figure 38 gives the summary of Pseudorhambus javanicus eggs observed during the study period along Muthupettai coastal waters.
2,415.0 Northern kingfish Menticirrhus saxatilis 177.8 Gafftopsail catfish Bagre marinus 1,990.7 Irridescent swimming crab Portunus gibbesii 8.7 Flounder (family)
Bothidae 1,699.4 Bonnethead shark Sphyrna tiburo 1,252.0 Atlantic cutlassfish Trichiurus lepturus 1,225.5 Black drum Pogonias cromis 1,402.7 Blue crab Callinectes sapidus Weakfish Cynoscion regalis Atlantic bumper Chloroscombrus chrysurus 1,062.8 Sand perch Diplectrum formosum 953.4 Longspine swimming crab Portunus spinicarpus 4.5 Vermillion (B-liner) Rhomboplites aurorubens 893.2 snapper Left-eye flounder Syacium spp.
Some left-eyed flatfishes are in the family
Bothidae or the family Paralichthyidae, which includes many commercially important species of flounder, such as the southern flounder.
Species with semi- permanent and permanent home ranges such as those from the family
Bothidae and Cyanoglossidae were also sampled.
During this type of swimming, the octopus eyes were also in the same approximate position as the eyes of the flounder, which are both on the left side in the family
Bothidae (order Pleuronectiformes).