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Noun1.Blennioidea - blenniesBlennioidea - blennies; butterfishes; gunnels  
animal order - the order of animals
order Perciformes, order Percomorphi, Perciformes, Percomorphi - one of the largest natural groups of fishes of both marine and fresh water: true perches; basses; tuna
blennioid, blennioid fish - elongated mostly scaleless marine fishes with large pectoral fins and reduced pelvic fins
Blenniidae, family Blenniidae - a family of fish including: combtooth blennies
Clinidae, family Clinidae - viviparous blennies of temperate and tropical seas
family Pholidae, family Pholididae, Pholidae - a family of fish of suborder Blennioidea
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References in periodicals archive ?
Habitat selection, sex ratio and sexual selection in Coralliozetus angelica (Blennioidea: Chaenopsidae).
Correlates of male reproductive success in the browncheek blenny, Acanthemblemaria crockeri (Blennioidea: Chaenopsidae).
Depth zonation, microhabitat, and morphology of three species of Acanthemblemaria (Pices: Blennioidea) in the Gulf of California, Mexico.