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Related to biofilm: Quorum sensing


A complex structure adhering to surfaces that are regularly in contact with water, consisting of colonies of bacteria that secrete a mucilaginous protective coating in which they are encased. Biofilms, which are resistant to antibiotics and disinfectants, corrode pipes and cause diseases such as lung infections, but they can be used beneficially to treat sewage, industrial waste, and contaminated soil.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(Microbiology) a thin layer of living organisms
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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(4) The physiology of microbial cells in the biofilm has been frequently changed by these interactions and leads to various advantages being obtained, such as resistance to antimicrobials or the human immune system, metabolic cooperation, quorum sensing systems, and more productive gene sharing.
A number of methods are in practice to assess the biofilm formation of a bacterial strain.
[USA] Apr 26 (ANI): Scientists have developed micro-robots which can break apart and remove dental biofilm or plaque from teeth, thereby significantly reducing the burden on dentists.
coli is mainly related to its virulence factors, which are associated with host colonization and invasion, tissue damage, stimulation of inflammatory response, evasion of immune response, and biofilm formation.
A biofilm is an assemblage of microbial cells that is irreversibly associated (not removed by gentle rinsing) with a surface and enclosed in a matrix of primarily polysaccharide material.
New York, NY, December 06, 2018 --( Periphytic Biofilm, comprised of algae, bacteria and nutrients, is widespread in shallow water-sediment system.
It's called a biofilm. "Bio" refers to the microbes--the bacteria, viruses or fungi.
Biofilm formation of Enterococcus faecalis, frequently associated with failed root canal treatment, also depends on the production of eDNA.
Objective: To determine the role of icaAD and agr genes in biofilm formation and evaluate the consistency of two phenotypic methods for biofilm measurement.
Mohan Jacob, the head of the Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department at James Cook University (JCU) in Queensland, Australia, explains that a large number of these bacteria are found on the "biofilm" that forms on medical devices.
Chronic and/or recurrent upper airway infections may be related to the complex structural and biochemical organization of the biofilm, which interferes with the activity of antibiotics, thus promoting the establishment of a chronic infection that can only be eradicated with surgical treatment (6).
Furthermore, the catheter-associated biofilm producers, preceding drug resistivity, and their thought-provoking infection control procedures have been reported in aforementioned studies, which raises our concern on CAUTIs and biofilm producers in our settings [4, 5].