

(Cookery) an oblong sponge cake divided longitudinally into four square sections, two coloured pink and two yellow, with an outer coating of marzipan
[perhaps named after Battenberg, a village in Prussia]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Miss Ada even has an elaborate Battenburg one on top of the piano."
The account also criticises supermarkets and attacks Tesco for reducing the size of its Battenburg cake.
6 Place alternative spoonfuls of the mixture into the tin almost as if you were attempting a Battenburg cake pattern.
They include a roof-mounted light array, programmable rear LED board, Battenburg livery and a large reinforced load area.
Also hailing them as being among the best in Scotland, Dunnabie Farm Shop won two Silver Awards for their McMacaroni Pie and their Bannockberg - a play on a Battenburg cake using Lorne sausage and haggis.
She was named after one of Queen Victoria's granddaughters, Victoria Eugenie of Battenburg.
TOP 10 CAKES: 1 Lemon drizzle, 33%; 2 Carrot cake, 31%; 3 Victoria sponge, 26%; 4 Chocolate cake, 25%; 5 Red velvet, 17%; 6 Angel cake, 15%; 7 Banana loaf, 12%; 8 Cheesecake, 10%; 9 Madeira, 7%; 10 Battenburg, 6%.
"I was thinking about it the other day and couldn't believe the Flaming Battenburg Tattoo tour was in 2012 - time's flown," says Rhod, currently also putting the finishing touches to the new series of his Bafta Cymru-winning BBC Wales programme Rhod Gilbert's Work Experience.
"I was thinking about it the other day and couldn't believe the Flaming Battenburg Tattoo tour was in 2012; time's flown," says Rhod, currently also putting the finishing touches to the new series of his Bafta Cymru-winning BBC Wales programme, Rhod Gilbert's Work Experience.
New album Hit The Ground Running is out on September 1 - Battenburg Records / Absolute.