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 (băs′tē-ə, bä-stē′ə)
A city of northeast Corsica, France, on the Tyrrhenian Sea. It is a commercial and tourist center.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(Placename) a port in NE Corsica: the main commercial and industrial town of the island: capital of Haute-Corse department. Pop: 43 315 (2007)
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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The day after we had drunk together to drown our quarrels, I left home because I had business at Bastia. The Portas remained in my house, and set fire to my vineyard at Longone.
Offered to start for Bastia by mail-boat in the morning.
"Well, then, if, like us, your excellency lived at Leghorn, you would hear, from time to time, that a little merchant vessel, or an English yacht that was expected at Bastia, at Porto-Ferrajo, or at Civita Vecchia, has not arrived; no one knows what has become of it, but, doubtless, it has struck on a rock and foundered.
Pour rappel, Cicollini, ancien joueur de Bastia et du Gazalec d'Ajaccio, a drive les formations de Porto Vecchio D4 (1999-2001), Bastia [beaucoup moins que] B [beaucoup plus grand que] D4 (2002-2004), Bastia D1 (2004-2005), Red-Star 93 D4 (2008-2009) et la formation suisse de Neuchatel-Xamax D1 (2011-2012) ou il a ete remercie avec tout son staff au bout de deux rencontres.
MickaE1/2l Landreau a accepte la proposition du Sporting Club de Bastia. Le gardien international, qui a resilie debut decembre son contrat avec Lille, va s'engager pour six mois avec le club corse.
Houllier and chief executive Rick Parry are due in Paris tomorrow to meet leading officials from Essien's club Bastia to finalise a pounds 4million deal for the 20-year-old Ghanaian.
Graham Taylor could be laying the ground work for his first buy in January's transfer window by opening talks on Argentine sensation Adrian Jesus Bastia.
VILLA boss Graham Taylor is tracking tough-tackling South American midfielder Adrian Bastia. The 23-year-old is currently with Argentinian side Racing Club who are managed by former Baggies boss Ossie Ardiles and his No.2, his ex-Argentina team-mate Ricky Villa.