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v. bashed, bash·ing, bash·es
1. To strike with a heavy, crushing blow: The thug bashed the hood of the car with a sledgehammer.
2. To beat or assault severely: The police arrested the men who bashed an immigrant in the park.
3. Informal To criticize (another) harshly, accusatorially, and threateningly: "My point is not to bash teachers or healthcare providers" (Richard Weissbourd).
v.intr. Informal
To engage in harsh, accusatory, threatening criticism.
1. Informal A heavy, crushing blow.
2. Slang A celebration; a party.

[Origin unknown.]

bash′er n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


1. (tr) to strike violently or crushingly
2. (tr; often foll by in, down, etc) to smash, break, etc, with a crashing blow: to bash a door down.
3. (foll by: into) to crash (into); collide (with): to bash into a lamppost.
4. to dent or be dented: this tin is bashed; this cover won't bash easily.
5. a heavy blow, as from a fist
6. a dent; indentation
7. a party
8. have a bash informal to make an attempt
[C17: of uncertain origin]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


1. to strike with a crushing blow.
a. to physically assault; beat up.
b. to abuse verbally.
3. a crushing blow.
4. a lively social event.
[1635–45; appar. of expressive orig.; compare smash, obsolete or dial. pash to hit, Middle English passchen]
bash′er, n.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


Past participle: bashed
Gerund: bashing

I bash
you bash
he/she/it bashes
we bash
you bash
they bash
I bashed
you bashed
he/she/it bashed
we bashed
you bashed
they bashed
Present Continuous
I am bashing
you are bashing
he/she/it is bashing
we are bashing
you are bashing
they are bashing
Present Perfect
I have bashed
you have bashed
he/she/it has bashed
we have bashed
you have bashed
they have bashed
Past Continuous
I was bashing
you were bashing
he/she/it was bashing
we were bashing
you were bashing
they were bashing
Past Perfect
I had bashed
you had bashed
he/she/it had bashed
we had bashed
you had bashed
they had bashed
I will bash
you will bash
he/she/it will bash
we will bash
you will bash
they will bash
Future Perfect
I will have bashed
you will have bashed
he/she/it will have bashed
we will have bashed
you will have bashed
they will have bashed
Future Continuous
I will be bashing
you will be bashing
he/she/it will be bashing
we will be bashing
you will be bashing
they will be bashing
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been bashing
you have been bashing
he/she/it has been bashing
we have been bashing
you have been bashing
they have been bashing
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been bashing
you will have been bashing
he/she/it will have been bashing
we will have been bashing
you will have been bashing
they will have been bashing
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been bashing
you had been bashing
he/she/it had been bashing
we had been bashing
you had been bashing
they had been bashing
I would bash
you would bash
he/she/it would bash
we would bash
you would bash
they would bash
Past Conditional
I would have bashed
you would have bashed
he/she/it would have bashed
we would have bashed
you would have bashed
they would have bashed
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.bash - a vigorous blowbash - a vigorous blow; "the sudden knock floored him"; "he took a bash right in his face"; "he got a bang on the head"
blow, bump - an impact (as from a collision); "the bump threw him off the bicycle"
2.bash - an uproarious partybash - an uproarious party      
party - an occasion on which people can assemble for social interaction and entertainment; "he planned a party to celebrate Bastille Day"
Verb1.bash - hit hardbash - hit hard        
hit - deal a blow to, either with the hand or with an instrument; "He hit her hard in the face"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


1. party, do (informal), social, at-home, gathering, function, celebration, reception, rave (Brit. slang), get-together (informal), festivity, knees-up (Brit. informal), beano (Brit. slang), social gathering, shindig (informal), soirée, rave-up (Brit. slang), hooley or hoolie (chiefly Irish & N.Z.) one of the biggest showbiz bashes of the year
2. knock, stroke, punch, belt (informal), bang, rap, sock (slang), smack, thump, buffet, clout (informal), clump (slang), whack, wallop (informal), slosh (Brit. slang), tonk (informal), clomp (slang) She gave him a bash on the head.
3. (Informal) attempt, go (informal), try, shot (informal), bid, crack (informal), stab (informal) He's prepared to have a bash at discussing it intelligently.
1. (Informal) hit, break, beat, strike, knock, smash, punch, belt (informal), crush, deck (slang), batter, slap, sock (slang), chin (slang), smack, thump, clout (informal), whack, biff (slang), clobber (slang), wallop (informal), slosh (Brit. slang), tonk (informal), lay one on (slang) If he tries to bash you he'll have to bash me as well.
2. criticize, pan (informal), condemn, slam (slang), knock (informal), flame (informal), carp, put down, slate (informal), have a go at (informal), censure, disparage, tear into (informal), diss (slang, chiefly U.S.), find fault with, lambast(e), give (someone or something) a bad press He continued to bash them as being soft on crime.
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002


To deliver a powerful blow to suddenly and sharply:
Informal: biff, bop, clip, wallop.
Slang: belt, conk, paste.
Idioms: let someone have it, sock it to someone.
1. Informal. A sudden sharp, powerful stroke:
Informal: biff, bop, clip, wallop.
Slang: belt, conk, paste.
2. Slang. A big, exuberant party:
Slang: blast, blowout.
3. Slang. A large or important social gathering:
Informal: do.
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
يَضْرِبُ بِعُنْفحَفْلَةضَرْبَةٌ عَنيفَهضَرْبَه ، طَعْجَه
snažno udaritizabava
beyglahögg, skellurreka roknahögg, berja; brjóta niîur
dauzītiespiedumsstiprs sitienstriecienstriekt
bữa tiệcđập mạnh


A. N
1. (= knock) → porrazo m, golpe m
2. (Brit) (= attempt) → intento m
I'll have a bash (at it)lo intentaré
go on, have a bash!¡venga, inténtalo!
3. (= party) → fiesta f, juerga f
B. VT [+ table, door] → golpear; [+ person] → pegar (also bash about) → dar una paliza a
C. VI to bash away = bang away
bash in VT + ADV [+ door] → echar abajo; [+ hat, car] → abollar; [+ lid, cover] → forzar a golpes, cargarse a golpes
to bash sb's head inromper la crisma a algn
bash on VI + ADVcontinuar (a pesar de todo)
bash on!¡adelante!
bash out VT + ADV (= produce quickly) → sacar cantidad de, sacar en cantidades industriales
bash up VT + ADV [+ car] → estrellar (Brit) [+ person] → pegar una paliza a
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


vt (= hit) → frapper
I bashed him on the head → Je l'ai frappé à la tête.
to bash sth on sth
I bashed my elbow on the door → Je me suis cogné le coude contre la porte.
to bash sth with sth [+ hammer, stick] → taper qch avec qch
He bashed the desk with his fist → Il a frappé le bureau du poing. bashed in
vi (= collide with) to bash into sth → rentrer dans qch
to bash against sth [person] → se cogner contre qch
The table bashed against the wall as they carried it into the kitchen → Ils cognèrent la table contre le mur en la transportant dans la cuisine.
(= party) → fête f; (in the evening)soirée f
a birthday bash → une fête d'anniversaire; (in the evening)une soirée d'anniversaire
(British) (= attempt) to have a bash → essayer
I'll have a bash.; I'll have a bash at it → Je vais essayer.
to have a bash at sth → s'essayer à qch
to have a bash at doing sth → essayer de faire qch
bash up
vt sep
[+ car] → bousiller
(British) [+ person] → tabasser bashed in adj [head] → défoncé(e)
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


Schlag m; to give somebody a bash on the nosejdm (eine) auf die Nase hauen (inf); he gave himself a bash on the shiner hat sich (dat)das Schienbein angeschlagen; the door has had a bashdie Tür hat eine Delle abgekriegt (inf)
I’ll have a bash (at it)ich probiers mal (inf); have a bashprobier mal! (inf)
(dated inf, = party) → Party f
vt person(ver)hauen (inf), → verprügeln; ballknallen (inf), → dreschen (inf); car, wingeindellen (inf); to bash one’s head/shin (against or on something)sich (dat)den Kopf/das Schienbein (→ an etw (dat)) → anschlagen; I bashed my shin against the tableich bin mit dem Schienbein gegen den Tisch geknallt (inf); to bash somebody on or over the head with somethingjdm mit etw auf den Kopf hauen
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


[bæʃ] (fam)
1. n
a. (blow) → botta
the car has had a bash → la macchina ha preso una botta
I'll have a bash (at it) (Brit) (fam) → ci proverò
b. (fam) (party) → festa
2. vt (fam) (thing) → sbattere; (person) → picchiare, menare
bash in vt + adv (fam) → sfondare
to bash sb's head in → spaccare la testa a qn
bashed in → sfondato/a
bash on vi to bash on withandare avanti con
bash up vt + adv (fam) (car) → sfasciare (Brit) (person) → riempire di botte
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(bӕʃ) verb
(sometimes with in) to beat or smash (in). The soldiers bashed in the door.
1. a heavy blow. a bash with his foot.
2. a dent. a bash on the car's nearside door.
bash on/ahead (with)
to go on doing something especially in a careless or inattentive way. In spite of his father's advice he bashed on with the painting.
have a bash at
to make an attempt at. Although he was not a handyman, he had a bash at mending the lock.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


حَفْلَة, يَضْرِبُ بِعُنْف oslava, praštit banke, fest Schlag, schlagen πάρτι, συντρίβω golpear, juerga bileet, pamauttaa fiesta, frapper snažno udariti, zabava colpire con violenza, festa 強打, 強打する 강타, 강타하다 beuken, feest banke, voldsomt slag balanga, walnąć bater, farra, festa вечеринка, избивать slå, vrakfest งานฉลอง, ทุบหรือตีอย่างแรง cümbüş, şiddetle vurmak bữa tiệc, đập mạnh 猛击, 聚会
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