Babi Yar

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Ba·bi Yar

 (bä′bē yär′, bä′byē)
A ravine outside Kiev in north-central Ukraine where over 30,000 Jews were killed by German troops in 1941.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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Almost two decades earlier, during his first trip to Ukraine as prime minister, Netanyahu had delivered a memorable speech at the mass grave of Babi Yar where tens of thousands of Jews were slaughtered after the Germans occupied Ukraine in the Second World War.
Standing at Babi Yar, but with Iran obviously on his mind, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu declared it is Israel's "constant duty to stand against murderous ideologies in order to ensure that there will never be another Babi Yar."
Netanyahu plans to visit the Babi Yar Memorial, a concentration camp where over 30,000 Ukrainian Jews were killed.
A dozen of his relatives were killed by German forces at Babi Yar in Ukraine - a ravine where the Germany army massacred more than 100,000 victims.
His "Babi Yar" in 2003 centered on the 1941 Nazi massacre of Jews in Ukraine, in which several of Brauner's relatives were killed.
At Babi Yar, a ravine in Kiev, 33,771 Jews were killed in just two days and, ultimately, up to 150,000 Jews, Soviets and Roma died there over the course of the Nazi occupation of Ukraine.
Misha teaches Sonya about Babi Yar and Israel and how to play Hava Nageela on the guitar.
Rivlin thanked Poroshenko for his support in the fight against antisemitism, as well as for establishing a museum at Babi Yar, where more than 33,000 Jews were massacred during the Holocaust.
Babi Yar: A Document in the Form of a Novel is an adult exploration of the World War II German and Soviet oppression.
"I got the idea one year ago when, much to my horror, I realized I had never heard about the so-called 'small Babi Yar' in Odessa," Beck said.