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(German ˈaːrɡau)
(Placename) a canton in N Switzerland. Capital: Aarau. Pop: 556 200 (2002 est). Area: 1404 sq km (542 sq miles). French name: Argovie
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˈɑr gaʊ)

a canton in N Switzerland. 528,887; 542 sq. mi. (1400 sq. km). Cap.: Aarau. French, Argovie.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Just getting into the new business, Mirana Medina is already taking quality to the next level and recently signed a contract to get all the specialty beans known as peaberries from Finca Argovia, one of the oldest farms in Chiapas started by Swiss immigrants in 1880.
El Proyecto Sierra tuvo como fuentes El Code, el Proyecto espanol de Garcia Goyena; los Codigos de Luisiana, Holanda, Canton de Vaud (Suiza), Piemonte/ Cerdena (Italia), Napoles (conocido como de las dos Sicilias), Austria (AGB) Bavaria, Prusia (ALR), Suecia, Renania (Berna, Baden, Friburgo y Argovia) y Haiti; y las leyes hipotecarias de Suecia, Wurttenberg, Ginebra (escrito como Genova) Friburgo, Saint Gall y Grecia (24).
Las localidades fueron: Teotihuacan del Valle (N14[grados]59'59.7" O092[grados]14'50.5", 434 msnm), Argovia (N15[grados]07'28.7" O092[grados]17'41.2", 608 msnm), San Jose Nexapa (N15[grados]03'46.2" O092[grados]15'29.6", 662 msnm) y Guadalupe Saju (N15[grados]09'18.8" O092[grados]17'03.0", 1007 msnm) (Fig.
By 1892, there were 22 coffee farms in the region, among them Nueva Alemania, Hamburgo, Chiripa, Irlanda, Argovia, San Francisco, and Linda Vista.
(2) Argovia, Basel-City, Basel-Country, Geneva, Glarus, Neuchatel, Obwalden, St.