As for the danger that the new antiterrorism legislation will up the ante considerably in the criminalization of
antiglobalization protests, the amendment introduced before it was passed to indicate "that protest activity whether unlawful or lawful would not be considered a terrorist act unless it was intended to cause death, serious bodily harm, endangerment to life, or serious risk to the health and safety of the public" may turn out to be of real importance.
It is the summer of 2001, and the New York--and Paris-based collective known as Bernadette Corporation has temporarily merged with Le Parti Imaginaire, a faction of post-Situationist militants and intellectuals with links to the burgeoning
antiglobalization movement.
Progressive publications have been galvanized in recent years by
antiglobalization protests, the Ralph Nader campaign, reaction to September 11 and the prospect of war in Iraq.
[8] One could cite many more examples of women's activism on a range of fronts, from immigration rights to the
antiglobalization struggle.
And if it's a theory of immanence we're looking for, we might take a page from the most cherished manifesto of the
antiglobalization movement, Antonio Negri and Michael Hardt's Empire (2000).
While Cassandra Medrano and Pavlos Stavropoulos were in Greece, another couple used their car to drive to an
antiglobalization demonstration; that couple's 9-year-old child--listed as a "reliable" source in the files--gave a police officer information about her parents that the DPD misassigned to Medrano and Stavropoulos; using this "information," the DPD started a file on Medrano and added to its file on Stavropoulos.
Social centers like Leoncavallo host a wide range of cultural and political activities: theaters, bookstores, art galleries, guaranteed shelter for homeless immigrants, meeting spaces for
antiglobalization ("no global") organizing, Internet cafes, soup kitchens, yoga classes and live music of varied genres.
Creischer and Siekmann also clarified the link between socialist infographics and the
antiglobalization movement.
population, as a series of recentpolls have revealed, are currently critica l of globalization and the WTO (suggesting that an
antiglobalization politics has a vast constituency to draw upon), there are reasons to be cautious about what this means.
No doubt the rally crowds were peppered with hundreds, if not thousands, of union members and activists, but there was no institutional representation of Big Labor, as there has been at numerous
antiglobalization events of the past few years.
In this show Piccinini's use of technology seemed to be genuinely converging with that of large corporations; her critical gesture is not to indict twenty-first century culture's contamination of the natural--so she's lot an
antiglobalization fellow traveler- or even to deconstruct the division between nature and culture.
Earlier this year the first sympathetic account of the "
antiglobalization" movement appeared.