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Related to Anglo-Celtic: Anglo Celtic Isles


n, adj
Austral of or relating to an inhabitant of Australia who was or whose ancestors were born in the British Isles
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The level of hate being directed at any commentator not of Anglo-Celtic ancestry or appearance, who dares utilise his or her democratic right and questions matters of public interest, is alarming.
A staggering 98 percent of those reported Islamophobic cases were committed by ethnically Anglo-Celtic perpetrators, usually lone males.
As the big cities grew, their ethnic mix changed from Anglo-Celtic and European to Eurasian.
The genesis in chapter 1, "Colonial Mission', is followed by 'German Foundations', a reminder of a group not always remembered in a nation that tends to think of its beginnings as Anglo-Celtic, whereas in reality successive migrations came.
For example, the Anglo-Celtic side of this dual history--that is to say, Muriel Smith's background--is nowhere near as well documented as the Ukrainian side of the equation.
Torres Strait Islanders influenced both the Aboriginal and Anglo-Celtic communities' music making as well as being influenced themselves by other cultures' musics, particularly during WWII contact with African-American soldiers' performances and knowledge of jazz and the blues.
From the Tiger Bay Rainbow Club in 1960 to the last day of school ahead of the flooding at Capel Celyn and even an insight inside the Anglo-Celtic Watch Company (known as The Tick Tock) in Ystradgynlais - these are some of the highlights of 150 unseen films about how life in Wales used to be.
Weston was representing Wales for the second year running in the event, which as usual incorporated the Anglo-Celtic Plate home international.
Collectively these scholars of education have tended to assume that the broad outlines of the history of education policy and cultural development that prevailed in Ontario --rooted in British practice and in the values of the dominant Anglo-Celtic elite which were often overtly anti-American--can be applied, with minor regional variations, to western Canada.
Peroutka also belongs to the League of the South, which claims that its mission is to preserve "Anglo-Celtic culture" and identifies itself as a "Southern Nationalist organization whose ultimate goal is a free and independent Southern republic."

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