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(Spanish aˈʎende)
1. (Biography) Isabel. born 1942, Chilean writer, born in Peru; her works include Eva Luna (1989), Paula (1995), and Daughter of Fortune (1999)
2. (Biography) Salvador (salβaˈðor). 1908–73, Chilean Marxist politician; president of Chile from 1970 until 1973, when the army seized power and he was killed
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ɑˈyɛn deɪ)
Isabel, born 1942, Chilean novelist.
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References in periodicals archive ?
Manhattan, NY, July 13, 2019 --( San Miguel de Allende has been named the Best City in Mexico for the fourth year running in Travel + Leisure magazine's 2019 World's Best Awards ranking.
As the third aliyah, a woman, ascended the bimah on a recent Saturday morning for the weekly Conservative service at the Jewish Cultural and Community Center (known by the English acronym JC3) in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico, I reached for the only spiral-bound siddur left, one with a Spanish translation, and slipped into a seat in the former warehouse building, now renovated into a synagogue that is home to 198 members.
11, 1973, Salvador Allende's socialist government was toppled by a U.S.-backed military coup led by Augusto Pinochet, barely three years after being Allende was elected.
Chile 1973: The Other 9/11: The Downfall of Salvador Allende
Isabel Allende's 23 books include fiction and memoirs.
Summary: Isabel Allende's new novel interweaves three narratives of the immigrant experience in America
Walter Beveraggi Allende, a right-wing politico who is a professor of political economy at Buenos Aires University.
Paper planes with pictures of people missing since the 1973-1990 dictatorship in Chile are seen outside the presidential palace La Moneda, in Santiago yesterday, during a rally to commemorate the 44th anniversary of the military coup led by General Augusto Pinochet that deposed late president Salvador Allende.
Jane Gloriana Villanueva (Gina Rodriguez) is in for a real treat this "Jane the Virgin" Season 4, since her literary idol Isabel Allende is going to make an appearance as herself.
By: Egypt Today staff CAIRO - 12 June 2017: Chilean-American novelist Isabel Allende presented in Madrid on June 5 her latest novel titled, ''Mas alla del invierno'' or Beyond the Winter, a book that she described as an inevitable political burden, in which she addresses the lives of immigrants and refugees under a prism of love, solidarity and hope.