
(redirected from Alati)


(Hinduism) a Hindu ceremony in which lights with wicks soaked in ghee are lit and offered up to one or more deities
[C21: Hindi]
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References in periodicals archive ?
Every two or three weeks she'll go down to Limassol to see her parents (they also talk a few times a week); her dad is a baker -- he owns an artisan bakery called Psomi kai Alati -- her mum an English and French teacher with her own school.
I diavoli incontrati da Dante e Virgilio in questa bolgia--i Malebranche, demoni alati e neri che sorvegliano i dannati della quinta bolgia dell'ottavo cerchio--appaiono piu contenuti:
Mamun AA, Callaway LK, O'Callaghan MJ, Williams GM, Najman JM, Alati R, et al.
Another Kadi and Ramadi book -- written by Moroccan writer Elhassane Benmouna containing illustrations by artist Reem Al-Askari -- "Al-Da'asuqa Alati Faqadat Lawnaha" (The ladybird that lost her color"), combats bullying.
Two of Mohammad Heikal's early works, including his first, "Iran Fawk Burkan" (1951) and "Al Okad Al Fansieh Alati Tahkum Al Sharq Alawsat" (1958) sell for $1 each.
Daniel Alati is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Criminology at Ryerson University.
Teisendused eeldavad algse susteemi esitust tugeval reapohiselt taandatud kujul, mis varasemate tulemuste pohjal alati eksisteerib.
United Kingdom, 49 EHRR 29 (2009); see also DANIEL Alati