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(Basketball) basketball a missed shot that fails to touch the rim of the basket
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Vesely (21) showed signs of nerves as he took two free throws, missing both attempts and putting up an embarrassing airball on the first.
The rim a peach basket that dips in each airball breeze
Even after trailing by 14 with 7:10 left, they had a chance to tie it in the closing seconds but Steve Nash shot an airball on a three-point attempt.
This type of loan considers the amount of debt that is available based on asset advance rates but also will provide an additional over-advance loan based on the cash flow of the company (sometimes referred to as an "airball").
NBA AIRBALL In an NBA postseason lacking marquee teams, viewership has declined among men 18-49.
Prosecuting, Nicholas Smith said that on March 8 Rooney went into the Kwiksave store in Yardley and was seen to put 13 air fresheners and nine Crystal airball fresheners into his jacket.
It is a cable system put up in the height of hall from airball. The cable carries the sensors in concrete height.
We knew we were on to something when we heard loan officers refer to these credits as "airball" loans.
"Casenotes: Multiple Characterizations for the Single Entity Argument?: The Seventh Circuit Throws an Airball in Chicago Professional Sports Limited Partnership v.
Then, after Handy sank the telling three-pointer, Phoenix put up an airball in response and the game was effectively over.