In part, this is the consequence of living in an increasingly
affluent society, where almost every household has at least one private car, and where those with two or three cars are nothing out of the ordinary.
This is on top of the marijuana grown in remote mountain areas in Northern Luzon, opium from the poppy fields of South Asia, and drugs like Ecstasy from Europe favored by more
affluent society figures.
The 1950s was not a time of drudgery and poor wages but it saw the emergence of the
affluent society after wartime austerity.
Blaming people who are seeking a better life in a more
affluent society is not only futile, it is un-American.
NEC focuses on the Social Solutions Business and will continue efforts to promote the use of LoRaWAN while helping to create a safe and
affluent society where IoT is utilized.
To create a harmonious and
affluent society, Universities have a dominant role towards a knowledge based economy, principally driven by advancements in the fields of science and technology.
'And Malaysia, due to its strategic location in Southeast Asia, its growing economy, continuous development, high standard of living and
affluent society, is a very important country for Sharp.
Unfortunately, there seems to be a rat race among our middle class to copy the lifestyle of the
affluent society. Go to any shop selling foreign brands in any mall for that matter and you will find the place thronged by the middle class.
Half a century ago, the anthropologist Marshall Sahlins caused a stir by suggesting that people in hunter-gatherer societies aren't ceaselessly struggling for survival; on the contrary, they'd built "the original
affluent society", by keeping their needs low, then meeting them.
THE traffic on our roads is getting worse, It's because of our
affluent society of course, If only we could go back to the day of the horse, A bale of hay and a pail of water and no deadly fumes From those road-jamming autos, no deadly accidents Caused by high-speed cars, no noisy exhausts From cars owned by morons, but, alas, we live in a world That is reliant on the internal combustion engine, A monster now, but, at one time a great invention, Carl Benz, yes, a German genius in 1885 is given Credit for the creation of the car, I'm sure If he was alive today, he would cry out Oh Lord!