Adelphia Communications Corporation and the CVV Trustees have announced that Thomas P.
The Adelphia Recovery Trust has made a distribution of USD8 million in cash payable to holders of interests in the Trust pursuant to the First Modified Fifth Amended Joint Chapter 11 Plan of Reorganization of
Adelphia Communications Corporation and Certain Affiliated Debtors, dated as of January 3, 2007, as Confirmed, the company said.
He then enumerates the consequences of lack of moral character: "Greed could be the great motivator of giant corporate frauds such as those performed by the former executives of Enron, WordCom, Parmalat and
Adelphia Communications among many others; not to mention those who abetted the subprime crisis in 2008." But to be fair, there are also many examples of how good moral character in managers resulted in outstanding business successes: "In striking contrast we see a fair number of executives with behavior characterized by professional will and humility who were part of those companies studied by Jim Collins which went from good to great.
firms and others like Tyco and
Adelphia Communications, investors lost faith in the audited reports.
He presided over the GM Chapter 11 bankruptcy case in 2009, as well as the bankruptcy of
Adelphia Communications Corporation, Ames Department Stores and LyondellBasell.
Butner does house other white-collar criminals, such as John Rigas, the founder of
Adelphia Communications, and his son, Tim, the company's chief financial officer, who were convicted of fraud.
Madoff will join ageing white-collar convicts including Bernard Ebbers, 67, the former WorldCom chief executive officer now housed at the Federal Correctional Institution in Oakdale, Louisiana, and John Rigas, 84, the ex-CEO of
Adelphia Communications, a federal inmate in Butner, North Carolina.Ebbers is serving 25 years in prison and Rigas 12.
Background: Wittman was most recently CFO and executive rice president of
Adelphia Communications Corp., which she joined in 2003.
Favorite Deal: Selling the National Hockey League's Buffalo Sabers in 2000 to the now-defunct
Adelphia Communications Corp.
Prior to his stint at Tribune Media, Figueroa held sales positions with
Adelphia Communications, Latin American Pay Television and Sur Network.
As a result of the aquisition of
Adelphia Communications, Time Warner will shuffle certain cable operations with Comcast to give each a greater concentration of customers in the former Adelphia service areas.