"While he was busy inland, where he meant to carry out some wonderful ideas of his, the English burn his fleet for him in
Aboukir Bay, for they never could do enough to annoy us.
1798: The Battle of the Nile when Nelson beat the French fleet at
Aboukir Bay.
1798: The Battle of the Nile began, when Nelson attacked the French fleet anchored at
Aboukir Bay and won a crushing victory.
1798: The Battle of the Nile saw Nelson rout the French fleet at
Aboukir Bay.
These were the years of
Aboukir Bay and Trafalgar, and Rowlandson and Pugin's clerks call to mind those other armies of red-coated Britons, news of whose victories and defeats would travel through such rooms on the way to the corners of the nation.
Nearby, the Battle of
Aboukir Bay took place, between the French and British navies in 1798, the governor adds.
Aboukir Bay Image Credit: [c]Franck Goddio / Hilti Foundatio Stele of Thonis-Heracleion, Thonis-Heracleion,
Aboukir Bay, Egypt.
Franck Goddio, his team and photographer Christoph Gerigk brought the artifacts up after a 'lost city' was discovered in
Aboukir Bay in 2000 thirty feet below the surface.
1798: The Battle of the Nile, when Nelson inflicted a crushing defeat on the French fleet at
Aboukir Bay. 1831: New London Bridge was opened by King William IV.
Among the topics are a geophysical survey in the submerged Canopic region, new findings in sediment cores from the eastern harbor about human activity in Alexandria before 332 BC, possible destructive earthquakes in Alexandria and
Aboukir Bay, occupation and trade at Heracleion-Thonis as indicated by evidence from the pottery, new finds from Hercleion-Thonis on living with metals in Hellenistic Egypt, and landscapes of cameo glass.
Who commanded the British forces which were victorious at the Battle of
Aboukir Bay? 20.