Lee Crook, the newly appointed Davidson County director of planning and zoning

Lee Crook has been appointed director of Davidson County Planning and Zoning. The history buff has in his office a survey map from 1727 that bears the name of William Davidson, for whom Davidson County was named.

For the past 32 years, Lee Crook has made a living being a planner.

He has carved out a professional reputation for being meticulous about details and a master of thousands of pages of county ordinances, plans, maps and other records. So it might shock some to learn that someone so focused on plans and their details didn’t really have a plan for his future when he graduated from North Davidson High School in 1987.

Jill Doss-Raines is The Dispatch trending topics and personality profiles senior reporter and is always looking for tips about businesses and entertainment events, secret and new menu items and interesting people in Davidson County. Contact me at [email protected].