News About The Oceans of Earth
September 26, 2024
Japan not notified of ICBM test by China; NZealand says missile test 'unwelcome'

Tokyo (AFP) Sept 25, 2024
China did not inform Japan that it would test an intercontinental ballistic missile before launching it into the Pacific Ocean on Wednesday, Tokyo's top government spokesman told reporters. "There was no notice from the Chinese side in advance" about the ICBM launch, Yoshimasa Hayashi said. ... read more
NASA helps launch new Federal website for monitoring sea level rise
Los Angeles CA (SPX) Sep 26, 2024
A new resource designed to assist communities in preparing for rising sea levels is now available with the launch of the U.S. Sea Level Change website. Unveiled on Sept. 23 by the U.S. Interagency T ... more
NASA climate models show 'business as usual' will flood Pacific Islands
Sydney (AFP) Sept 26, 2024
Within 30 years, sea levels will rise at least 15 centimetres on several Pacific island nations, regardless of what cuts are made to greenhouse gas emissions, new NASA analysis shows. ... more
UN chief warns of 'rising tide of misery' from swelling seas
United Nations, United States (AFP) Sept 25, 2024
UN chief Antonio Guterres warned on Wednesday that surging sea levels are creating "a rising tide of misery," as a coalition of small island nations declared that their sovereignty must be respected even if their lands are subsumed. ... more
One in two El Nino events could become extreme by 2050
Los Angeles CA (SPX) Sep 26, 2024
The global climate phenomenon known as El Nino has been linked to record-breaking temperatures and extreme weather events from mid-2023 to mid-2024, as one of the strongest El Nino events on record. ... more



Deep-sea study reveals iron limitations in ocean's twilight zone
Los Angeles CA (SPX) Sep 26, 2024
New research has shed light on the ocean's twilight zone, a region between 200 to 1,000 meters below the surface where iron deficiency limits the growth of bacteria. These microorganisms compensate ... more
Invisible phytoplankton flourish as oceans warm
London, UK (SPX) Sep 26, 2024
New research from the University of Exeter highlights the growing population of a hidden "invisible forest" of phytoplankton in parts of the warming ocean. These microscopic organisms are responsibl ... more
Artificial intelligence advances decentralized water purification
Tokyo, Japan (SPX) Sep 25, 2024
Around 2.2 billion people worldwide, over a quarter of the global population, lack access to clean, safely managed drinking water. Nearly half of the world's population faces severe water shortages ... more
Marine heatwave hits Finland
Helsinki (AFP) Sept 23, 2024
For almost two months, Finland has endured a marine heatwave with water temperatures up to five degrees Celsius above the average in some areas, an expert told AFP Monday. ... more
Trash clogs DR Congo hydroelectric plant
Bukavu, Dr Congo (AFP) Sept 25, 2024
Mountains of rubbish flushed by the rains have clogged the turbines of a major hydroelectric plant in the DR Congo, the grid operator said Wednesday, partially cutting electricity generation. ... more
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Tajikistan rations electricity amid water shortages
Dushanbe, Tajikistan (AFP) Sept 23, 2024
Tajikistan has restricted the use of electricity because a shortage of water has left it struggling to run vital hydroelectric power plants, authorities said on Monday. ... more
India minister blames dam release for flooding
Kolkata (AFP) Sept 20, 2024
A top politician in eastern India on Friday blamed authorities in a neighbouring state for causing a flooding crisis by opening dams after 26 people were killed and 250,000 others were forced to relocate. ... more
Saharan Dust Boosts Oceanic Life Thousands of Kilometers Away
Los Angeles CA (SPX) Sep 22, 2024
Iron is a crucial micronutrient for life, playing a key role in respiration, photosynthesis, and DNA synthesis. However, its availability in oceans is often limited, meaning an increased supply of i ... more
World's oceans near critical acidification level: report
Paris (AFP) Sept 23, 2024
The world's oceans are close to becoming too acidic to properly sustain marine life or help stabilise the climate, a new report said on Monday. ... more
Unprecedented global study reveals cities receive more rainfall than surrounding rural areas
Los Angeles CA (SPX) Sep 23, 2024
It is widely understood that cities are generally warmer than their rural surroundings, a phenomenon known as the urban heat island effect. However, a lesser-known counterpart to this is the urban p ... more
Ecuador to begin drought-driven power cuts early

Quito (AFP) Sept 22, 2024
Ecuador will begin scheduled power cuts a day early, the government said Saturday, aimed at rationing electricity as the hydroelectric power-dependent country faces its worst drought in 61 years. Nightly blackouts were planned from Monday to Thursday, but extra rationing will now take place during the day from 08:00 am to 05:00 pm on Sunday in 12 provinces, according to a presidential statement. Sunday's power cuts are aimed at "safeguarding the water resources" available after 71 days of no rai ... read more
Norway limits wild salmon fishing as stocks hit new lows
Oslo (AFP) Sept 20, 2024
Norwegian authorities on Friday rolled out fresh restrictions on wild salmon fishing for 2025 after stocks hit record lows in recent years, with scientists blaming fish farms. ... more


China says to 'gradually resume' seafood imports from Japan after Fukushima ban
Beijing (AFP) Sept 20, 2024
China said Friday that it would "gradually resume" importing seafood from Japan after imposing a blanket ban in August last year over the release of water from the disabled Fukushima nuclear plant. ... more
How plastic pollution poses challenge for Canada marine conservation
Montreal (AFP) Sept 20, 2024
One of the largest producers of plastic waste per capita, Canada is struggling to protect its designated marine protected areas from this pollution, experts warn. ... more
Norway deep sea mining to cause 'irreversible' harm: Greenpeace
Oslo (AFP) Sept 20, 2024
Greenpeace on Friday warned Norway that its plans to open up its Arctic seabed to mining would cause "irreversible" damage to the entire marine ecosystem. ... more
US city of Flint still reeling from water crisis, 10 years on
Flint, United States (AFP) Sept 21, 2024
Turning her faucet on one day in 2014, Chanel McGee watched in disgust as a brownish trickle poured out. ... more
Fijian coral study reveals over 600 years of rising sea temps across Southwestern Pacific
Berlin, Germany (SPX) Sep 19, 2024
An international research team has revealed that sea surface temperatures in the southwestern Pacific, particularly around the Fijian archipelago, are currently the highest they have been in over 60 ... more
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