News About The Primordial Earth
September 26, 2024
Nanostructures found in deep ocean vents could shed light on life's origins

Tokyo, Japan (SPX) Sep 26, 2024
Researchers from the RIKEN Center for Sustainable Resource Science (CSRS) and the Earth-Life Science Institute (ELSI) at the Tokyo Institute of Technology have uncovered inorganic nanostructures around deep-ocean hydrothermal vents that closely resemble key molecules involved in life processes. These self-organized nanostructures function as selective ion channels, generating energy that can be captured as electricity. The findings, published on Sep. 25 in 'Nature Communications', hold significant impli ... read more
Study highlights Earth's temps have shifted widely over 485M years as CO2 changes
Los Angeles CA (SPX) Sep 20, 2024
A recent study published in 'Science' reveals that Earth's global mean surface temperature has fluctuated significantly over the past 485 million years, far more than previously believed. ... more
Ancient Ring System May Have Surrounded Earth 466 Million Years Ago
Melbourne, Australia (SPX) Sep 19, 2024
Researchers from Monash University's School of Earth, Atmosphere and Environment have uncovered evidence suggesting that Earth may have once had a ring system around it, dating back 466 million year ... more
Iron played a critical role as the earliest transition metal in life
Los Angeles CA (SPX) Sep 18, 2024
Living organisms depend on tiny quantities of metals to carry out essential biological processes such as breathing, DNA transcription, and energy production. These processes have relied on metals si ... more
MIT chemists explain why dinosaur collagen may have survived for millions of years
Boston MA (SPX) Sep 05, 2024
Collagen, a protein found in bones and connective tissue, has been found in dinosaur fossils as old as 195 million years. That far exceeds the normal half-life of the peptide bonds that hold protein ... more



Land-sea forces led to marine extinctions millions of years ago
London, UK (SPX) Sep 01, 2024
Scientists have uncovered how interactions between oceans and continents millions of years ago caused significant marine life extinctions and altered evolutionary pathways on Earth. The study ... more
Oxygen levels play a key role in early Earth's magma ocean formation
Tokyo, Japan (SPX) Aug 27, 2024
The early Earth is believed to have been largely covered by a molten magma ocean, formed due to the extreme heat generated by the collision of smaller celestial bodies with the planet. Understanding ... more
Unraveling the Formation of Ancient Earth's Enigmatic Anorthosites
Los Angeles CA (SPX) Aug 16, 2024
A team of scientists has made significant progress in deciphering the origins of massif-type anorthosites, rare rock formations that emerged during a specific period of Earth's history. These plagio ... more
Researchers link ancient rock formations to early Earth's hotter tectonic activity
Los Angeles CA (SPX) Aug 15, 2024
A group of scientists has made significant progress in unraveling the origins of massif-type anorthosites, a type of igneous rock composed largely of plagioclase that formed exclusively during Earth ... more
Researchers uncover historical patterns in Earth's rotational deceleration
Sydney, Australia (SPX) Aug 15, 2024
Chinese scientists, in collaboration with colleagues from France, Germany, and Ireland, have revealed that from 650 million to 280 million years ago, the Earth-Moon distance expanded by approximatel ... more
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Early Sea Level Changes Influenced Evolution of Ancient Life, Study Shows
London, UK (SPX) Aug 05, 2024
A newly developed timeline of early animal fossils reveals a link between sea levels, changes in marine oxygen, and the appearance of the earliest ancestors of present-day animals. The study r ... more
Seawater barium removal enhanced marine habitability for Cambrian animals
Sydney, Australia (SPX) Aug 05, 2024
This study, led by Dr. Wei Wei, PhD student Lin-Hui Dong, and Prof. Fang Huang at the University of Science and Technology of China, investigates the removal of excess barium and sulfide from seawat ... more
New Fossil Discovery Sheds Light on Mollusc Evolution
London, UK (SPX) Aug 02, 2024
A team of researchers, including scientists from the University of Oxford, has uncovered a new species of mollusc dating back 500 million years. Named Shishania aculeata, this fossil reveals that th ... more
Scientists examine Earth's early life and environmental interactions over 500 million years
Los Angeles CA (SPX) Jul 30, 2024
The atmosphere, ocean, and life on Earth have interacted over the past 500 million years, creating conditions that supported early organisms. An interdisciplinary team has detailed this co-evolution ... more
New Study Reveals Stability in Earth's Mantle Chemistry Over Billions of Years
Los Angeles CA (SPX) Jul 25, 2024
A comprehensive analysis of ancient rocks by researchers at the Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History has provided significant insights into the chemical history of Earth's mantle, the la ... more
Deep ocean 'dark oxygen' find could rewrite Earth's history

Paris (AFP) July 22, 2024
In the total darkness of the depths of the Pacific Ocean, scientists have discovered oxygen being produced not by living organisms but by strange potato-shaped metallic lumps that give off almost as much electricity as AA batteries. The surprise finding has many potential implications and could even require rethinking how life first began on Earth, the researchers behind a new study said on Monday. It had been thought that only living things such as plants and algae were capable of producing oxy ... read more
'Well-preserved' dinosaur fossil revealed by Brazilian flood
Rio De Janeiro (AFP) July 19, 2024
Torrential rains causing historic flooding in southern Brazil have revealed a "very well-preserved" dinosaur fossil dating back some 200 million years, according to the research team who discovered it. ... more


UC Riverside Study Offers Insights into Early Life on Earth
Los Angeles CA (SPX) Jul 10, 2024
Despite decades of research, much remains unknown about the origins and early evolution of life on Earth. A recent paper from the University of California - Riverside aims to bridge this gap, sugges ... more
New Findings on Water-Rich Planetesimals in the Early Solar System
Berlin, Germany (SPX) Jul 10, 2024
Age data from specific meteorite classes have unveiled new insights into the origin of water-rich small astronomical bodies, or planetesimals, in the early solar system. These planetesimals provided ... more
Scientists reveal new species of horned dinosaur that roamed northern U.S.
Washington DC (UPI) Jun 20, 2024
American scientists announced Thursday the discovery of a new species of horned dinosaur which at 11,000 pounds and 22 feet long is the largest centrosaurine ever found in North America and roamed the swamps of what is now the badlands of Montana in the late Cretaceous period 78 million years ago. ... more
USTC Explores Nitrogen's Origin and Early Evolution on Earth
Sydney, Australia (SPX) Jun 18, 2024
A research team led by Prof. WANG Wenzhong from the School of Earth and Space Sciences of the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), in collaboration with international scholars, stud ... more
Ocean Circulation Slowdown in Ancient Times Signals Future Climate Risks
Los Angeles CA (SPX) Jun 17, 2024
A UC Riverside study shows that extreme heat episodes in Earth's past caused a decline in the exchange of surface and deep ocean waters. This system, often described as the "global conveyor belt," r ... more
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