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March 2018, Vol. 17, No. 1

How ransomware variants are neutralizing data backups

Ransomware, the monetization of malware, has been one of the most pervasive threats against business data for the last several years. Now a megabillion-dollar industry, ransomware variants are usually delivered by email attachments that allow attackers to encrypt a company's data and hold the key to unlock the data for an exorbitant price. The media has run story after story about businesses that have suffered massive financial losses following a ransomware attack. Some of the more recent victims include the Georgia Department of Agriculture, Mecklenburg County North Carolina and the Hackensack Sleep and Pulmonary Center in New Jersey. Once an organization falls victim to a ransomware attack, it has two choices: pay the ransom or restore a backup. Three-quarters of IT decision-makers whose organizations haven't been hit by ransomware said they wouldn't pay a ransom, according to a survey conducted by cybersecurity vendor Trend Micro. When faced with the reality of an attack, however, nearly two-thirds (65%) of previously ...

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