Doctoral Summer School 2024

The National Library of Technology (NTK) is proud to announce the third Doctoral Summer School for Early Career Researchers. The event will take place on September 12–13, 2024 in Prague and is organized by NTK in collaboration with the University of Chemistry and Technology in Prague (UCT Prague), the Czech Association of Doctoral Researchers (ČAD), and the Committee for Doctoral Studies under the Student Chamber of the Council of the Higher Education Institutions (SK RVŠ).


The aim of the Doctoral Summer School is to enhance the skills of early career researchers through the following three workshops:

  1. Beyond Copy-Paste: Integrating Conversational AI into Research
  2. Project Management for Early Career Researchers
  3. Communication in Science

These skills and competences are essential for professional development of early career researchers and their career advancement. Workshops are designed and taught by experienced researchers.

Participants are encouraged to bring their own laptop or tablet to be able to actively participate in the workshops.

Each participant will receive a certificate after the completion of the summer school.

Beyond Copy-Paste: Integrating Conversational AI into Research

In this workshop we will show how conversational AI can significantly enhance your research capabilities. We will provide a deeper understanding of what generative AI models can do and what their practical applications in Academia could be. You'll learn to move beyond basic automation, using AI for complex, intellectually challenging tasks.

The session covers essential topics such as the mechanics of generative AI, strategies for effective integration into your research workflow, and critical issues related to intellectual property and data privacy. Also several ethical considerations and the responsible use of AI tools will be discussed.

Through real-world examples you'll discover the tangible benefits and potential challenges of incorporating conversational AI into your research. By the end of the workshop, you'll be equipped with the knowledge to utilize generative AI tools more effectively, enhancing both productivity and innovation in your academic endeavors.

Join us to discuss the potential of conversational AI in research and advance your work
to new heights.

Your instructor will be Prof. Vincent Ginis (Vrije Universiteit Brussel / Harvard University), an expert in AI and its use in Academia. With a background in Engineering, Physics, and Artificial Intelligence, Vincent has been instrumental in advancing the use of AI in research at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. He combines a wealth of knowledge and practical insights, making complex AI concepts accessible and applicable to researchers across various fields.

Project Management for Early Career Researchers

Designing your research? Giving a talk at a conference? Leading a team? Writing a project proposal? Each of these activities uses the principles of project management. Understanding the principles and basic rules of project management will improve your performance in any area of your professional life.

Lost in the weird language of project management? We will help you to give meaning to milestones, objectives, aims, deliverables and many more concepts you come across in this discipline. Why bother? By mastering these principles you´ll become a captain of your research career.

In three hours we will not only explain but also practice, and most importantly discuss and exchange experiences.

Your instructor will be Radka Pittnerová, Ph.D., project manager, project evaluator, mentor, coach and researcher with more than two decades of experience as a research consultant for international research projects.

Communication in Science

Why is communication of science important? Who can help me with that?

The workshop aims to equip Ph.D. candidates with essential skills for effective scientific communication. We will explore both traditional scholarly communication (the exchange of information among research peers), as well as focus on communicating and popularizing science, particularly for non-expert audiences.

During discussions and exercises, participants will receive practical tips for making science understandable and approachable for different target audiences. The session will cover various communication channels, including face-to-face communication, social media, and traditional media. We’ll also address the differences between the worlds of science and media, discuss what to expect when working with journalists, and explore how the media can interpret your statements.

Furthermore, you’ll receive tips on how to begin communicating your research, see examples of good practice, and get an overview of national and international projects, competitions, and opportunities for engagement.

Your instructor will be Tereza Mašínová, Ph.D., a science communicator, journalist, external editor for Vědavý, and co-founder of SciComHub, a platform that aims to educate and build a community for all those interested in science communication.

Participants can also engage in the optional Poster Session to practice their presentation skills, experiment with creative visual communication, and receive valuable feedback. It may also help them meet institutional funding requirements for participation in the summer school.

Target group

Early Career Researchers in the Czech Republic

  • Doctoral candidates (enrolled in doctoral training programs)
  • Postdoctoral researchers (up to 8 years since completing their PhD)

The Doctoral Summer School will be conducted in English.

Participation Fee

Participation Fee: 1 000 CZK

*The participation fee covers: training materials, meals during the event, and participation in the social program.

Organization Team

  • Naděžda Firsová (NTK)
  • Eliška Skládalová (NTK)
  • Mili Viktorie Losmanová (UCT Prague)
  • Jakub Šindelář (CUNI/ČAD/NTK)

National Library of Technology

Technická 6, 160 80 Prague 6 – Dejvice, Czech Republic

Participants are asked to make their own travel arrangements.

How to get here

The Czech National Library of Technology (NTK) is located between Thákurova, Studentská, and Technická Streets and Flemingovo náměstí (see on Google Maps).

  • Metro A to Dejvická: Get off at the Dejvická station and use the Šolínova/Vysoké školy exit.
  • Tram Stops: Lotyšská and Dejvická.
  • Bus Stop: Dejvická.
  • Drivers can park underground or use available street parking.
  • Bike stands are available outside the library


Participants are asked to make their own accommodation arrangements. There are several hotels near the Doctoral Summer School venue:

Hotel DAP (Dům Armády Praha)

Address: Vítězné náměstí 684/4, 160 00 Praha 6 – Dejvice

Tel. + 420 973 211 444, + 420 973 211 422

Hotel Meda Prague

Address: Národní obrany 33, 160 00 Prague 6 – Dejvice

Tel.+420 603 37 3242

Diplomat Hotel Praha

Address: Evropská 15, 160 41 Praha 6 - Dejvice

Tel. + 420 296 559 212, + 420 296 559 178, + 420 296 559 213

Hotel International Prague

Address: Koulova 15, 160 45 Praha 6 – Dejvice

Tel. + 420 296 537 111

Masarykova kolej (hostel)

Address: Thákurova 1, Praha 6 – Dejvice

Tel. + 420 233 051 111


Day 1: Thursday, September 12, 2024

08:00–08:30 Registration

08:30–08:45 Opening & Welcome

09:00–12:00 Workshop 1

12:00–13:00 Lunch

13:00–16:00 Workshop 2

16:15–16:45 Meeting with the previous winners of the National round of the Falling Walls Lab

17:00–20:00 Optional events at NTK (places are limited, please choose one from the registration form)

      Final event of The Falling Walls Czech Republic
      Informal meeting with the Czech Association of Doctoral Researchers, topic “Supervisory Relationship and Mental Health in Academia” (till 19:00)
      NTK Tour and Services Presenting (till 18:30)

    20:00 – 21:00 Reception and networking event with the Doctoral Summer Schools participants, the Falling Walls participants, the jury, and the guests.

    Day 2: Friday, September 13, 2024

    09:00 – 09:30 Registration with coffee

    09:30 – 12:30 Workshop 3

    13:00 – 13:30 Closing remarks, presentation of certificates

    13:30 – 14:30 Light Lunch

    The organizer reserves the right to change the schedule of social events. Registered participants will be notified of any changes by e-mail.


    Vincent Ginis

    Vincent Ginis

    Prof. Vincent Ginis is an assistant professor at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, visiting professor at Harvard University and an expert in AI and its use in Academia. With a background in Engineering, Physics, and Artificial Intelligence, Vincent has been instrumental in advancing the use of AI in research at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. He combines a wealth of knowledge and practical insights, making complex AI concepts accessible and applicable to researchers across various fields.

    Radka Pittnerová

    Radka Pittnerova

    Radka Pittnerová, Ph.D. is an independent consultant and lecturer. She has more than twenty years of experience with international research project environments, specializing in human resources, communication, and project management. She has been a member of the national network of contact points for EU research projects since 2002. Radka has worked as an evaluator for EC and various Czech funding agencies. During her career, she coordinated her own portfolio of fifteen research support projects funded from EU and national resources. She coordinated a successful HRS4R Award project in collaboration with the Global Change Research Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences. Recently, she focuses on individual mentoring in project writing and communication skills, and she supports early-stage researchers in their career growth on YouTube.

    Tereza Mašínová

    Tereza Mašínová

    Tereza Mašínová, Ph.D. is a science communicator, journalist, external editor for Vědavý, and co-founder of SciComHub, a platform that aims to educate and build a community for all those interested in science communication. She holds a Ph.D. in microbiology from Charles University and the Institute of Microbiology of the Czech Academy of Sciences. Previously, she worked as a PR officer at the Section for Science, Research, and Innovation within the Office of the Government of the Czech Republic. Currently, as a freelancer, she writes about science for various media outlets, helps scientists to communicate their results, and organizes networking and educational events for scientists and communication professionals.

    Poster Session

    As a part of the workshop on science communication, we are thrilled to offer the opportunity to take part in a Poster Session! The participants will gain invaluable experience in research communication. At the same time, this can be listed as active output at the event (if needed to receive grant or project funding for participation in the Doctoral Summer School).

    The Poster Session is an optional part of the program (included in the workshop “Communication in Science”) and is open to registered participants. You don’t need to present your poster – let the poster do the talking for you!

    Participation in the Poster Session will be confirmed with a certificate. The authors of the three best posters will receive special awards . Posters will be evaluated based on their popularization potential, rather than traditional academic criteria. All the posters will be published in the Institutional Digital Repository NTK under a license chosen by the author with a persistent identifier.

    Requirements for the Poster Session

    Assignment: Present your research idea using a popularization poster.

    Imagine you are attending a broad conference that covers several fields. Therefore, the audience may not have an in-depth knowledge of your topic. Your goal is to present your research idea for a specific purpose: for example to reach potential partners or attract media attention. Create a poster that describes your idea in a way that non-researchers can understand, emphasizing the potential impact on society, welfare, etc.

    What you need to do to participate in the Poster Session:

    • To be registered for the Doctoral Summer School and pay the registration fee
    • Send an email to for instructions on how to upload your poster
    • Make sure that your poster meets the formal requirements
    • Upload your poster
    • Receive confirmation from the organizing team within 5 working days
    • You don’t need to print your poster, we will do it onsite!
    • The deadline for poster submission is 01/09/2024. No changes will be accepted after this date!

    Formal Requirements

    Each poster should include:

    • The name, title and affiliation of all authors
    • License under which the poster will be published (we strongly recommend using one of the Creative Commons 4.0 licenses)
    • A clearly defined research topic, research gap, or problem you aim to solve
    • A clearly defined solution or possible way to resolve the defined problem, and description of the methods
    • You can use formal IMRAD framework or any other framework you find useful to present your ideas
    • We recommend to use resources about academic posters and presenting
    • Avoid overcrowding your poster with text and other content
    • Poster size: A0 (84.1cm x 118.9cm), portrait (vertical) orientation
    • Ensure that resolution should be at least 300 dpi. The acceptable poster format is PDF
    • The organizer may reject a poster that does not meet the formal requirements
    • The number of accepted posters is limited to 20


    Eligibility of participants

    Early Career Researchers in the Czech Republic

    • Doctoral candidates (enrolled in doctoral programs)
    • Postdoctoral researchers (up to 8 years since completing their Ph.D.)

    Participation fee: 1 000 CZK

    Applications will be approved on a first-come, first-served basis due to limited places.

    Participation fee includes: training materials, meals (2 lunches, 3 coffee breaks, 1 dinner) and participation in the social program.

    The fee does not cover: travel and accommodation expenses.

    All fees are quoted in CZK and include VAT 21%.

    For more information, do not hesitate to contact

    Doctoral Summer School 2024 - Registration Form
    Please add any information you regard as important
    Please type number 42 to prove you're human.


    Naděžda Firsová
    +420 773 850 851


    Organized by

    In Collaboration with


    Editor: Martin Novák Last modified: 19.9. 2024 09:09