Storylines Children's Literature Charitable Trust Te Whare Waituhi Tamariki o Aotearoa
Storylines promotes awareness of the importance of reading and books for all children and young adults; works to ensure children and young adults in New Zealand have access to high quality literature; and supports the writers and illustrators of literature for children and young adults in New Zealand. We aim to inspire children, young adults and their whanau to enjoy the magic of books and reading, especially reading books created for them by New Zealand writers and illustrators.

Ko tā Te Whare Waituhi Tamariki: Storylines, he whakatairanga i te hiranga o te pānui, o ngā pukapuka mā ngā taitamariki, mā ngā taiohi o Aotearoa; he tautiaki hoki i te āheinga o ngā tamariki me ngā taiohi ki te toro atu ki ngā mātātuhi kounga; ka mutu, he tautoko i ngā kaituhi, i ngā kaitā pikitia e mahi ana i roto i te ao mātātuhi taitamariki ki Aotearoa nei. Ko tā mātou e whai nei, ko te whakaohooho i ngā taitamariki o Aotearoa me ō rātou whānau kia whai i te whakamīharotanga o te pānui pukapuka, otirā, ko aua pukapuka mā rātou i hangaia ai e ngā ringa tuhi, e ngā ringa tā o Aotearoa.

The Friends of Storylines Ngā Pou o te Whare Waituhi Tamariki o Aotearoa
Membership of Storylines’ support organisation, The Friends of Storylines Ngā Pou o te Whare Waituhi Tamariki o Aotearoa, enables individuals and organisations to actively support Storylines’ work, through payment of membership fees, volunteering or other means.
Ko te rōpū tautoko i a mātou, ko Ngā Pou o te Whare Waituhi Tamariki o Aotearoa: The Friends of Storylines. Nāna ko te tautoko a te takitahi, a te takitini hei poutuarā mā te utu i te moni mema, mā te mahi tūao, me ērā atu o ngā mahi tautoko mai.
Storylines IBBY New Zealand
Since 2001, Storylines has operated as New Zealand’s national section of IBBY (International Board on Books for Young People), working with a consortium and supportive publishers, who assist with the cost of IBBY membership. Through IBBY NZ, Storylines provides a voice and presence for New Zealand children’s books and authors in the world’s major forum for children’s literature. After ten years’ active membership, IBBY New Zealand was chosen to host the 35th biennial International Congress of IBBY, in Auckland in August 2016.
Storylines’ patrons, trustees and staff
New Zealand icon, author and Member of the Order of New Zealand Joy Cowley, is patron and an active supporter of Storylines. Joining Joy in 2024 as patron, is award winning author/ illustrator Gavin Bishop.
Up to nine Trustees with governance responsibilities oversee Storylines’ finances, strategies and activities which include Storylines’ Story Tours, publications, awards and events.
The Trust employs a part-time Executive Officer, Accountant, Website Administrator and an Operations Manager who work closely with an elected volunteer management committee of between eight and 20 members.
Storylines is well-known for its annual national Story Tour, the Storylines awards offered to published and emerging writers and illustrators of children’s books, and the Storylines Notable Books awards. There are also two awards honouring achievement in the field of children’s literature.
Storylines’ publications are now entirely online, including a monthly e-newsletter and the annual Margaret Mahy Lecture and the Betty Gilderdale Spring Lecture, the Trust’s annual report and summaries of Storylines awards.
Funding for Storylines’ activities and operations comes from Creative New Zealand, Foundation North, other major community trusts, corporates, local bodies, publishers and other sources. Income is also raised from Storylines membership fees and fund-raising events.
Storylines seeks and maintains partnerships with publishers, booksellers, Read New Zealand Te Pou Muramura, the New Zealand Society of Authors, the New Zealand Book Awards Trust, Booksellers New Zealand, the Publishers Association of New Zealand, National Library of New Zealand, The Coalition for Books, public libraries, schools and other organisations with interests in literature and literacy education for children.
Affiliated children’s literature associations and/or individuals are active in Northland, Waikato, Bay of Plenty (Bookrapt: The Bay of Plenty Children’s Literature Association), Hawke’s Bay, New Plymouth, and Wellington (the Wellington Children’s Book Association).
Annual Report
Read our latest 2023 Storylines Trust Annual Report
For more information or to contact the Trust, email Anne de Lautour, Executive Officer.