The statistical records on are based on the best information available to the Stats Crew. Please note that research is still ongoing in many cases and the statistics presented here may be incomplete or inaccurate in some cases. The Stats Crew welcomes all corrections and additions.
- David Kronheim of for attendance information for several sports
- Bill Jones for team and league logos throughout the site
- Sean Lahman for all his support.
- Baseball Databank for its Baseball Database. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. For details see:
- Chadwick Baseball Bureau for use of their persons register. The data from the Bureau are Copyright 2022 by Chadwick Baseball Bureau, and are made available under the Open Data Commons Attribution License:
- Some of the information used here was obtained free of charge from and is copyrighted by Retrosheet. Interested parties may contact Retrosheet at 20 Sunset Rd., Newark, DE 19711.
- Miles Wolff and Lloyd Johnson for their assistance with minor league baseball information.
- The following researchers, among others, are known to have contributed to minor league baseball statistical research: Davis Barker, Carlos Bauer, John Benesch, Fernando Manuel Campos, Dave Chase, Tom Chase, Will Christensen, Jack Daugherty, Steve Davis, Paul Doherty, Gary Fink, Cappy Gagnon, Frank Hamilton, Bob Hoie, Reed Howard, Lloyd Johnson, Tom Kayser, Allen Kirk, Tony Kissel, Merl Kleinknecht, Wally Kuczwara, Bob Lindsay, Vern Luse, Bob McConnell, Bill McNeil, Raul Mendoza, Ray Nemec, Fred O'Brian, Alvin Peterjohn, Frank Phelps, Bill Plott, Eves Raja, Tim Rask, Bob Richardson, Dan Ross, Willie Runquist, Ron Selter, Helen Snow, John Spalding, Dick Thompson, Bill Weiss, Frank Williams, Bill Williamson, Walt Wilson, Karl Wingler, Marshall Wright, George Zielke and Larry Zuckerman.
- John Grasso for his assistance with men's and women's biographical data
- Tim Tucker for his assistance with Continental Basketball Association and other minor league data and player details
- Chuck Miller for his research of Continental Basketball Association data
- Steve Holroyd for supplying missing American Basketball League and Eastern Basketball League/Association data as well as Women's Professional Basketball League statistics and rosters
- Robert Bradley for 1960's American Basketball League statistics and EPBL/EBA/CBA award winners
- The Canadian Football League
- Michael Watson for Canadian Football League All-Star Information
- Jim Parcels for his assistance with game participation numbers
- Richie Franklin for his assistance with World Football League statistics
- Herman Giesbrecht for his assistance with World Football League statistics
- Tod Maher for some United Football League statistics
- Chris Blackburn for APFA and NFL results
- Doug Reynolds' Hockey Database - The information used herein was obtained free of charge from and is copyrighted by the Hockey Databank project. For more information about the Hockey Databank project please visit
- Mike Piskuric for his help with minor league corrections
- Steve Holroyd for Eagle Pro Box Lacrosse statistics and player information
- Roger Allaway for American Soccer League information
- Steve Holroyd for American Soccer League data, related player information and goalkeeper data
- Herman Hudson for his contribution of many indoor soccer statistics
- Sydney Nusinov for his help with the PASL/MASL
- Scott Leach for statistics and player information for the APSL and early USL leagues
- Kenn Tomasch for attendance information
- John Kimmes for stat-balancing and corrections to MISL statistics
- Donn Gobbie for missing World TeamTennis standings, data and team logos
- Steve Holroyd for World TeamTennis data
- Kip Cummins for Women's Pro Fastpitch, Women's Pro Softball League and National Pro Fastpitch data
- Bill Jones for World TeamTennis logos
- Jeff Krieg for volleyball and World TeamTennis logos