Dr. Hamid Farrokhi
Research and Design Engineer at Wellman Ctr for Photomedicine
Area of Expertise:
laser-matter interaction , quantitative phase imaging , in vivo biomedical microscopy , laser additive manufacturing
Profile Summary

Dr. Hamid Farrokhi is working as Research and Design engineer in the Wellman Center for Photomedicine and as Research Associate in Harvard Medical School. His position involves the engineering of novel medical in vivo microscopy devices, including the design, fabrication, validation and manufacturing of optics, electronics, mechanics and system integration to create completed medical device prototypes.

Research Interests
1. Laser-matter (tissue) interaction.
2. Laser micromachining and nanofabrication.
3. Quantitative phase imaging
4. in vivo biomedical microscopy

Publications (8)

SPIE Journal Paper | 12 November 2021 Open Access
Jeeranan Boonruangkan, Hamid Farrokhi, Rohith Madam, Samuel Kwok, Tom Carney, Pei-Chen Su, Young-Jin Kim
JBO, Vol. 26, Issue 11, 116004, (November 2021) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.10.1117/1.JBO.26.11.116004
KEYWORDS: Heart, Blood, Blood circulation, Blood vessels, Signal to noise ratio, Photodetectors, Phase imaging, Speckle, Beam propagation method, CCD cameras

SPIE Journal Paper | 10 February 2021 Open Access
JBO, Vol. 26, Issue 02, 025001, (February 2021) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.10.1117/1.JBO.26.2.025001
KEYWORDS: Interferometers, Optical coherence tomography, Imaging systems, In vivo imaging, Colon, Spectroscopy, Tissues, Ranging, Range imaging, Tissue optics

Proceedings Article | 4 March 2019 Presentation
Proceedings Volume 10854, 108540M (2019) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2510447
KEYWORDS: Biopsy, Intestine, Endoscopy, Optical coherence tomography, Metals, Absorption, Diagnostics, Gold, In vivo imaging, Tissues

Proceedings Article | 4 March 2019 Presentation
Hamid Farrokhi, Jing Dong, David Otuya, Yogesh Verma, Sarah Zemlok, Aditya Kumar, Rachel Shore, Sarah L. Giddings, Nitasha G. Bhat, Omair Shakil, Catriona Grant, Norman Nishioka, Mireille Rosenberg, Christopher Damman, Guillermo Tearney
Proceedings Volume 10854, 108540L (2019) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2510381
KEYWORDS: Endoscopy, Biopsy, Optical coherence tomography, Stomach, Endomicroscopy, Tissues, Visualization, Francium, Real time imaging, Liquids

Proceedings Article | 4 March 2019 Presentation
Proceedings Volume 10854, 1085408 (2019) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2513965
KEYWORDS: Optical coherence tomography, Endomicroscopy, Intestine, Endoscopy, Inflammation, Biopsy, 3D image processing, Visualization, Control systems

Showing 5 of 8 publications
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