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Speex: a free codec for free speech

Plugins & Other Software

We haven't played with all of these plugins, so don't blame us if any of them eat your computer. Okay?


Asterisk is an open-source PBX
Wengo is a Skype-like VoIP service with an open client that uses Speex wideband.
An open-source telephony application.
BitWise Chat
BitWise Chat is a cross-platform instant messenger that integrates voice chat and uses Speex for the audio compression.
Ekiga (formerly GnomeMeeting)
An H.323/SIP videoconferencing program
JRoar, a streaming server written entirely in Java, supports Speex in addition to Ogg Vorbis
LinPhone and mediastreamer
A SIP-based VoIP phone for GNOME.
Marathon: Aleph One
Marathon: Aleph One (SourceForge project page) uses Speex for in-game chat.
media.io is an online media format conversion service. It supports Speex files as input.
Mumble is a voice chat application for gamers. Includes game linking [voice from other players comes from the direction of their characters] and echo cancellation [so your loudspeakers won't be audible to other players].
An open-source H.323 stack
Speex Frontend
Speek's (no relation to Speex) speexenc and speexdec GUI frontend
Sweep is a full-featured digital audio editor for GNU/Linux, the BSDs, and compatible systems
Windows builds of Speex utilities
Windows builds of speexenc, speexdec, and speexdrop
Jabbin is an instant-message and VoIP (PC-to-PC) application utilizing Jabber. It runs on Linux, Apple OS X, and Microsoft Windows and can be distributed under the terms of GNU General Public License Version 2 (GPL).

Player Plugins & Code Examples

OpenACM Codec
This allowed Speex to be used in NetMeeting.
Speex for Windows
Edmunt Pienkowsky's bundle of Speex for Windows, including an ACM codec that will get Speex to work in NetMeeting.
Winamp and Cool Edit Plugins
Written by Case
Speex XMMS plugin
Written by Jens Burkal, <[email protected]>
Ogg Vorbis, Speex, and FLAC DirectShow Filters
These DirectShow filters will let you listen to Speex files in Windows Media Player.
An Encoder written in Delphi
Smallish Delphi example written by John Villar. See also this page for extra information and binaries (in french).

Other Implementations & Language Bindings

Jspeex, Java bindings to the C-based libspeex
written by Boyd Ebsworthy <[email protected]>
Java Implementation of Speex
Python bindings by David McNab