22. 22
※“We want to measure the association between xp (説明変数) and y (目的変数)given
the correlation structure between xp and the other predictor variables inherent in the data set.
To meet this aim, Strobl et al. (2008) suggest a conditional permutation scheme, where xp
is permuted only within groups of observations (他の説明変数)with Z = z in order to
preserve the correlation structure between xp and the other predictor variables”
A toolbox for recursive partitioning
※Strobl et al., 2009, “Party on! A New, Conditional Variable Importance Measure for Random Forests Available in the party Package”
model <- cforest(formula, data = list(), control = cforest_unbiased())
varimp(model, conditional = TRUE) # 予測精度の平均低下
38. 38
1) Random Forestで計算できる特徴量の重要度、URL(最終アクセス:2014/3/25):
2) パッケージユーザーのための機械学習(5):ランダムフォレスト、URL(最終アクセス:2014/3/25):
3) Stop using bivariate correlations for variable selection、URL(最終アクセス:2014/3/25):
4) Strobl et al., 2009, “Party on! A New, Conditional Variable Importance Measure for Random Forests Available in the
party Package”
5) Becker et al., 2009, “penalizedSVM: a R-package for feature selection SVM classification”
6) 「森の神様」写真 、URL(最終アクセス:2014/3/28): http://morisong04.exblog.jp/i22/
7) Twitter icon by Nikola Lazarevic、URL(最終アクセス:2014/3/25): http://webexpedition18.com/work/extreme-grunge-