Professional Documents
Culture Documents
Y%S, XLD M Dka %SL Iudcjd Ckrcfha .Eiü M %H:, Yq Ifr Rdehaf Nrhryprf Fbaur TH J JKHDG GJ Jphpif
Added by SABEASN
Project Name Engineer Ref Dwg. No. Approver: Dia (MM) Spacing (MM) Bar No. Bar Shape A (M) B (M) C (M)
Added by SABEASN
4 Back-Filling of Holes and Depression Caused by Removal of Stumps
Added by SABEASN
Technical Specification 1700 - Material Details: 1710.4 Sampling, Testingand Acceptance
Added by SABEASN
Checklist For Plastering: Project: Doc. No. Client: Project Location
Added by SABEASN
Checklist For Concreting: Project: Doc. No.: QA/CL-CON/ Client: Contractor
Added by SABEASN
Material Sodium Chloride Soluble Sulphates
Added by SABEASN