Tomato Leaf Curl Kerala Virus (ToLCKeV) AC3 Protein Forms A Higher Order Oligomer and Enhances ATPase Activity of Replication Initiator Protein (Rep/AC1)
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Tomato Leaf Curl Kerala Virus (ToLCKeV) AC3 Protein Forms A Higher Order Oligomer and Enhances ATPase Activity of Replication Initiator Protein (Rep/AC1)
Added by kalyankpy
Inhibition of Virus DNA Replication by Artificial Zinc Finger Proteins
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Principles of MicroRNA-Target Recognition
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A NAC Domain Protein Interacts With Tomato Leaf Curl Virus Replication Accessory Protein and Enhances Viral Replication
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Expression of A Viral Polymerase-Bound Host Factor Turns Human Cell Lines Permissive To A Plant - and Insect-Infecting Virus
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The Mechanism of DNA Replication Primer Synthesis by RNA Polymerase
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A Versatile Transreplication-Based System To Identify Cellular Proteins Involved in Geminivirus Replication
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Characterization of The piRNA Complex From Rat Testes
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