UWisconsin CID Poster 2008
UWisconsin CID Poster 2008
UWisconsin CID Poster 2008
The Neur osci ence Trai ni ng Program of UW -Madi son Re-
Eval uates its Invol vem ent with t he Carnegie Init iat iv e on
the Doct orate
H. Gerstein , H. Daniels and T. C. T. Yin
1 2 1,3
Neuroscience Training Program, Graduate C)School, Dept of Physiology,
Develop non-traditional career paths to
University of Wisconsin-Madison
The Neuroscience Training Program (NTP) at the University of Recap: CID Goals reflect shift in demand in Neurosciences • PEOPLE Program
Wisconsin-Madison was one the neuroscience partner programs that
participated in the ground breaking Carnegie Initiative on the Doctorate A) Evaluate NTP to identify areas where student and faculty conflicts exist Neuroscience and Public Policy Dual Degree Program: PEOPLE is a pre-college pipeline for students of color and low-income
(CID) starting in 2003. The CID was a multi-year long, nation-wide students, most of whom are the first in their families to potentially attend
project that focused on improving doctoral education in U.S. B) Evaluate advisor/student relationship college. The NTP participates each summer by running a variety of one week-
• N&PP Program was created to meet growing need for neuroscientists
universities through the analysis of the participating programs’ training C) Develop non-traditional career paths to reflect shift in demand in long neuroscience courses for 10th and 11th graders, taught by NTP graduate
activities. The CID recently has ended and the NTP now is assessing with strong research and public policy skills. Prepares students for
Neurosciences students.
the progress made through the initiative. careers in science policy, academia, government and the private sector.
During the CID, the GPN created several subcommittees • Outreach Programs
• La Follette School of Public Affairs Master of Public Affairs (MPA)
(Faculty, Student Recruitment and Retention, Training) that efficiently Science Expeditions
degree program is designed to be flexible, thus well-suited for
critiqued and revised the way our program functions. A Coordinating A) Evaluated NTP to identify areas where accommodating N&PP program students. 42 credit program includes
NTP participates in UW-Madison's Annual Science Outreach Day. We
Committee met monthly to discuss the recommendations of these host several hands-on activities at a Neuroscience specific table staffed by
subcommittees and send their suggestions to the program-wide
student and faculty conflicts exist core courses, electives and summer internship, and is usually completed
graduate students. Approximately 1500 community members (children and
Steering Committee. This system led to several beneficial changes during first three years of study in the N&PP program.
Results from the questionnaires revealed the following notable adults) attend each year.
within the GPN, including a refined structure and timeline for the oral
differences in perception between faculty and students on a Brain Awareness Week at the Madison Children's Museum
preliminary exam; creation of a Student Board to increase and organize • Current enrollment is three students, with continuing enrollment of 1
communication between the student body and faculty; a written number of key issues. student annually, pending funding.
Approximately 500 parents and children attend the museum event
preliminary exam with questions that integrate the curriculum of the annually. Multiple stations are set-up around the museum that children
four core neuroscience courses; and new faculty membership
How often advisor promoted the following topics? • Applied for NSF Science and Technology Policy grant to support navigate via a “passport.” Following completion of all stations, each child
requirements that attempt to increase faculty involvement within the received a certificate and a prize.
GPN. • Networking stipend, tuition and internships for current N&PP students. Program is
Edgewood Science Night
• Writing journal articles member of ANDP (Association of Neuroscience Departments and
Annual fair held at local middle school. NTP ran activities such as clay
With the end of the formal CID process, the CID-specific • Grant writing Programs)
committees have dissolved; consequently, the efficiency with which modeling of neurons and brains. Approximately 75 parents and adults
new, graduate education-related ideas are implemented within the GPN • Teaching attended the science night.
• Features weekly special Neuroscience & Public Policy Seminar
has decreased, and students are less involved in this process. The • Postdoctoral advice Partnered with Science Alliance (science.wisc.edu)
Student Board now is attempting to rejuvenate the spirit of the • CV preparation A UW-Madison campus wide scientific outreach collaborative
initiative by increasing the dialogue between the Board and the • Courses for N&PP Program include:
• Giving job talks coordination effort. Promoting interaction and collaboration across campus
incoming Director of Graduate Studies (DGS). Our goal is to create a Intro to Policy Analysis, Public Management, Science Policy
for multiple scientific programs.
process within the GPN that will maintain the advanced Electives, Bioethics & Law Electives, Public Policy Internship
communication among the students, faculty, and administrators of the Where do you think student learn the following skills? Science Master’s Institute Course on Human Brain and Senses
GPN that was achieved during the CID’s tenure. Equally important is • Critical thinking and analysis Yearly course with 20 hours of contact time for Madison School District
to create a lasting culture within the GPN that will foster new, • Literature searches 8th grade science teachers to help them teach a module on the brain.
graduate-student related initiatives in the spirit of the initial CID-
inspired advancements. • How to integrate a body of knowledge Teaching Opportunities: