Releasing Cargo Without BL
Releasing Cargo Without BL
Releasing Cargo Without BL
The above goods were shipped on the above vessel by Messrs..and consigned to us, but the relevant bills of lading have *not yet arrived / been misplaced. We hereby request you to deliver such goods to us without production of the bills of lading. In consideration of your complying with our above request we hereby agree to the following: 1. To indemnify you, your servants and agents and to hold all of you harmless in respect of any liability loss or damage of whatsoever nature which you may sustain by reason of delivering the goods to us in accordance with our request. 2. In the event of any proceedings being commenced against you or any of your servants or agents in connection with the delivery of the goods as aforesaid to provide you or them from time to time with sufficient funds to defend the same. 3. If the ship or any other ship or property belonging to you should be arrested or detained or if the arrest or detention thereof should be threatened, to provide such bail or other security as may be required to prevent such arrest or detention or to secure the release of such ship or property and to indemnify you in respect of any loss, damage or expenses caused by such arrest or detention whether or not the same may be justified. 4. As soon as all original bills of lading for the above goods shall have arrived and/or come into our possession, to produce and deliver the same to you whereupon our liability hereunder shall cease. 5. The liability of each and every person under this indemnity shall be joint and several and shall not be conditional upon your proceeding first against any person, whether or not such person is party to or liable under this indemnity.
Yours faithfully, For and on behalf of . (Signature of Consignee / Companys Stamp) For and on behalf of . Bankers Date..
Bank Guarantee
The bank guarantee should have a minimum validity period of one year.
The guaranteeing bank should be the negotiating bank of the letter of credit / in order to or other financial or documentary arrangements relating to the same cargo. If a different bank offers the guarantee, then agents should always inform the negotiating bank that the cargo has been released against a guarantee. The B/G is to be returned back to the applicant upon the delivery of the original duly endorsed B/L to HUB.
The party concerned must also lodge a police report regarding the lost B/L in order for us to issue a replacement. (Ensure the duplicated B/L issued is claused stating "This is a duplicate set of B/L. The original set of B/L is said to have been lost and is now null and void". In areas where police report is not a practice, advertisements in the local newspapers informing the missing B/L is acceptable.
Agents must e-mail the port of loading requesting that the shipper confirm they have no objection to delivery without the B/L. Approval for cargo release and issue of replacement B/L must be obtained from respective Trade desks. (Application can be made using the appended standard format)
Trade Desk
Vessel/voyage number/port of load : Bill of Lading No. CIF value Company making the application : Reason for application : *Lost / mail delays Name of negotiating bank of L/C or documentary arrangement of cargo Has shipper confirmed their agreement to release?: * Yes / No / Not yet *For B/L that was lost. Police report filed?. *Yes/No (If yes, pls attach copy) *In areas where Police report not a practice, have advertisements being placed in the local papers regarding the lost B/L? *Yes/No (If yes,pls attach copy)
Letter Of Indemnity
Ref: HUB0505/02(2)
Letter of Indemnity
To: The Owners of the M/V
In consideration of our request to release cargo without presentation of bills of ladings we hereby indemnify you against all claims and consequences directly or indirectly that may arise against you by reason of the aforesaid delivery. We further undertake and agree upon demand to pay any freight and charges that may remain outstanding at the time of the cargo release and any claims that may arise from your act. *We confirm that the Original B/L ( No. )is deemed to have been lost and for reason that we require you to issue to us a replacement of the original set of B/L, we hereby irrevocably and unconditionally indemnify you against any damages, interest and costs in legal proceedings in respect of any claims that may arise in your so doing. This indemnity against all possible claims from holder(s) of other B/Ls which may be in circulation will be valid as long as the said original B/L(s) * is /are not delivered to you duly endorsed. * delete if and where not applicable Yours sincerely,