SRI Fixed
SRI Fixed
SRI Fixed
Importance of Rice and Rice systems Rice is the staple food for more than half of the world population Rice systems provide incomes and employment to millions of households Rice systems are important for enhancing nutrition and sustainable development
Soft handling
Young seedling
Wider spacing
Weed incorporation
Limited water
What is SRI?
A system of irrigated rice crop management to significantly increase production through changes and integration of the management of rice plants, soil, water and nutrients.
Does not depend upon high-cost modern inputs Reduces farmers costs of production Helps make crop production more sustainable and is environment friendly Easily accessible to resource-poor farmers Enhancement of food security
SRI was first developed in Madaskar during 1980s by Fr. de Laulani Not known outside Madagaskar until 1997
Its potential is under testing in China, Indonesia, Combodia, Thailand, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, India
In A.P, SRI is experimented all the 22 districts with encouraging results Over 1,00,000 farmers are experimenting with this system world wide at present Few thousands of acres are under SRI in the very second season in AP
20 years ago
A Jesuit priest, Father Henri de Laulani, in Madagascar is considered the SRI developer helped launch the not-forprofit organization, Association Tefy Saina meaning "to improve the mind."
Conventional planting Limited irrigation Conventional weeding Modified planting Conventional irrigation Mechanical weeding
3.55 4.71
3.39 3.85
SRI encourages rice plant to grow healthy with Large root volume
Profuse and strong tillers
Non-lodging Big panicle
Root growth
Root growth
Conventional weeding
Mechanical weeding
With SRI positive correlation is found between the number of panicles per plant and number of grains per panicle
Tillers per hill were 95% higher during 1st season and 60% higher during 2nd season than under conventional system. Effective tillers were 94% and 122% higher during the 2 seasons respectively
Length of panicle 11% higher in both seasons Weight of 1000 grains 14% 18% higher
Two rice plants in Cuba: same variety (VN 2084) and same age (52 days); 42 tillers on SRI plant vs. 5 tillers on the other
Rice plant
Everybody believe that Rice is an aquatic plant
and grows best in standing water Rice is not an aquatic plant, it can survive in water but does not thrive under hypoxic conditions Rice plants spends lot of its energy to develop air pockets (aerenchyma tissue) in its roots under continuous inundation 70% of Rice root tips get degenerated by flowering period Under SRI paddy fields are not flooded but keep the soil moist during vegetative phase SRI requires only about half as much water as normally applied in irrigated rice
2. CAREFUL TRANSPLANTING Minimize trauma in transplanting Remove plant from nursery with the seed, soil and roots carefully and place it in the field without plunging too deep into soil
Transplanted field
SRI nursery
Conventional weeding
8 small roots
Roller-marker devised by Lakshmana Reddy, East Godavari, AP, India, to mark a square pattern on field and save time in transplanting operations; his yield in 2003-04 season was 16.2 t/ha paddy rice (dry weight)
Seeder developed by Luis Romero, Cuba, for planting pregerminated seed, sowing 40x40 cm (too wide)
plant single seedlings, not in clumps, and in a square pattern, not rows, 25cm x 25cm or wider More root growth potential
needed because no standing water; use simple mechanical rotating hoe that churns up soil; 2 weedings required, with 4 recommended before panicle initiation; first weeding 10 days after transplanting
More root growth, due to reduced weed competition, and aeration of soil, giving roots more oxygen and N due to increased microbial activity we left in soil; can add 1+tons per weeding? Each additional weeding after two rounds results in increased productivity up to 2 t/ha/weeding
regular water applications to keep soil moist but not saturated, with intermittent dryings,alternating aerobic and anaerobic soil conditions
More root growth because avoids root degeneration able to acquire more and more varied nutrients from the soil
applied instead of or in addition to chemical fertilizer; 10 tons/ha;
More plant growth because of better soil health and structure, and more balanced nutrient supply
Crop residues
Crop residues
Nursery Management
Water carefully
Banana leaf sheath may be used for easy lifting and seedlings transport of
With the help of a marker draw lines both way at 25 x 25 cm apart and transplant at the intersection
33 6 10 17
No. of trials
Average SRI yield (t/ha) Control (t/ha)
- 69
- 8.36 - 4.89
: Mr.A.Jayasurya Reddy : Tarimala Village, Singanamala Mandal Anantapur district, Andhra Pradesh : Rainy season 2003 : 0.2 ha : BPT 5204
Farmers method
503 87 15.5 13.3 19.2 5850 7110 150
No. of productive tillers/m2 No. of grains/panicle Length of panicle (cm) 1000 grain weight (g) Chaffy grain (%) Grain yield (kg/ha) Straw yield (kg/ha) Duration(days)
706 152 14.2 14.4 3.2 13297 12600 140
: Mr.K.Venka Subba Reddy : Konidedu Village, Panyam Mandal Kurnool district, Andhra Pradesh : Rainy season 2003 : 840 m2 : BPT 5204
Farmers method 22-6-2003 31-7-2003 10-12-2003 510 17.2 SRI 19-7-2003 28-7-2003 10-12-2003 1040 20.2
7 8
No. of grains/panicle
1000 grain weight(g) Grain yield kg/ha
18.8 5625
21.1 15774
Benefits of SRI
Seed requirement is reduced Conventional = 60-75 kg ha-1 SRI = only 7.5 kg ha-1 Leaves remain green up to harvest
1.02 - 4.04
6.74 - 7.17
- 65.7
53.58 - 54.41
41.54 - 51.46
+ 16.1
41.81 - 50.84
38.87 - 39.99
+ 17.5
Paper by Prof. Ma Jun, Sichuan Agricultural University, presented at 10th conference on Theory and Practice for High-Quality, High-Yielding Rice in China, Haerbin, 8/2004
Two rice fields in Sri Lanka -- same variety, same irrigation system, and same drought : conventional methods (left), SRI (right)