Computer Integrated Manufacturing (Cim)

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June 10, 2012



Goals, Modular Installation

ATTA UL WASAY, Instructor Mechatronics MTR-234

June 10, 2012


A Manufacturing System that uses computer as the center of control of the entire factory, which not only involves the computerization of fabrication and assembly processes but also handles information flow for production control, quality, maintenance, material handling and inventory control in a totally integrated system is known as Computer Integrated Manufacturing or CIM.
ATTA UL WASAY, Instructor Mechatronics MTR-234

June 10, 2012


Other definitions: 1. CIM includes off-line procedures for using the computer to assist people to better understand and control a factory. 2. The on-line computer control and linking together of all functions in a manufacturing system is called CIM.

ATTA UL WASAY, Instructor Mechatronics MTR-234

June 10, 2012

Goals of CIM

To reduce production lead time (reduced design time using CAD, CAM etc.) To create balance production lines ( eliminating queues) To achieve zero setup time. To maintain reliability with zero downtime. To increase product repeatability with zero defects. Minimum data handling resulting in zero data errors. Development of distributed intelligence that enables zero-manned operations.
ATTA UL WASAY, Instructor Mechatronics MTR-234

June 10, 2012

Modular Approach of CIM Installation

CIM is large. Expensive. For small companies its installation disturbs existing operations. That is why modular installation approach is more appropriate. Reduces risks. Lower initial investments. During implementation productivity gain can be utilized for next module installation.
Note: key to the advancement is MANAGEMENT, not Computer not Technology.

ATTA UL WASAY, Instructor Mechatronics MTR-234

June 10, 2012

Advancements by CIM

Customer orders via modem and placed directly into database. Production schedules automatically. Part specification and process parameters loaded directly into numerical control. Raw materials automatically order from venders via modem. Computer based invoicing and backorder communication with customer. Inspections and Monitoring (machines, production, process parameters). No direct labor. Reduced lead times (CAD/CAM). Reduced in-process inventory (use of buffers). Elevated preventive maintenance (zero downtime). All systems communicate using common language or protocols. Real time status of Production (quality, order, backlog, maintenance) and printed reports also.
ATTA UL WASAY, Instructor Mechatronics MTR-234

June 10, 2012

How to and where to start implementing CIM

Best place to start Area Product Process Or what ever the important situation Example?
ATTA UL WASAY, Instructor Mechatronics MTR-234

June 10, 2012

Types of Modular Subsystems

Material Handling Electronic Sensors and Control Vision Systems Programmable Controllers Robots (Material Handling)
ATTA UL WASAY, Instructor Mechatronics MTR-234

June 10, 2012

Vertical Approach of CIM Installation

Starting from Bottom Enterprise Level (corporate information) Plant Level (Production System) Cell Level (Manufacturing system groups) Machine Level (Individual Machine) Device Level (sensors, actuators, other hardware elements)
ATTA UL WASAY, Instructor Mechatronics MTR-234


June 10, 2012

Components of CIM System

Computer Technology (interface link) Computer Aided Design/Process Group Technology Computer Aided Manufacturing Manufacturing Planning

Robotics Automated Guided Vehicles

ATTA UL WASAY, Instructor Mechatronics MTR-234

MRP Forecasting Scheduling Shop floor control

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