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Game Theory - Chapter No 14 - Presentation

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Presented By :Afzal Waseem

Presented To: Dr. Arnold Yuan

Ryerson University

Game theory is a mathematical theory that deals with the general features of competitive situations like these in a formal, abstract way. It places particular emphasis on the decision-making processes of the adversaries

*two-person, zero-sum games

*They are called zero-sum games because one
player wins whatever the other one loses, so that the sum of their net winnings is zer

* To illustrate the basic characteristics of two-person, zero-sum games,

consider the game called odds and evens. This game consists simply of each player simultaneously showing either one finger or two fingers. If the number of fingers matches, so that the total number for both players is even, then the player taking evens (say, player 1) wins the bet (say, $1) from the player taking odds (player 2). If the number does not match, player 1 pays $1 to player 2. Thus, each player has two strategies: to show either one finger or two fingers. The resulting payoff to player 1 in dollars is shown in the payoff table given in Table 14.1.In general, a two-person game is characterized by

* 1. The strategies of player 1 * 2. The strategies of player 2 * 3. The payoff table

* The actual play of the game consists of each player simultaneously choosing a
strategy without knowing the opponents choice.

* In more complicated games involving a series of moves, a strategy is a

predetermined rule e.g Chess

* Player 2 is just the negative of this one, due to the zero-sum nature of the game.

* Entries in the payoff table may be in any units desired, such as dollars, provided
that they accurately represent the utility to player 1.

* The outcome corresponding to an entry of 2 in a payoff table should be worth

twice as much to player 1 as the outcome corresponding to an entry of 1.

* A primary objective of game theory is the development of rational criteria

for selecting a strategy. Two Key assumptions are made:

* 1. Both players are rational. * 2. Both players choose their strategies solely to promote their own
welfare (no compassion for the opponent).

* 2 Polititians * Bigtown and Megalopolis * 1 full day in each city or 2 full days in just one of the cities * Neither politician will learn his opponents campaign schedule until after
he has finalized his own decision

*Best strategy on how to use these 2 days ?

2 Players 3 Strategies

* Strategy 1 * Strategy 2 * Strategy 3

spend 1 day in each city. spend both days in Big town.

spend both days in Megalopolis.

* By contrast, the strategies would be more complicated in a different

situation where each politician learns where his opponent will spend the first day before he finalizes his own plans for his second day.

Table represent Utility to Player 1 = Negative Utility to Player 2 Objective : To win votes Payoff table Entries : Total net votes won from the opponent by Player 1 This payoff table would not be appropriate if additional information available to politicians

* how the populace is planning to vote 2 days before the election, so that
each politician knows exactly how many net votes (positive or negative) he needs to switch in his favour during the last 2 days of campaigning to win the election.

*3 Alternative set of games based on Data *How to solve three different kinds of games?

Which strategy should each player select ? The answer can be obtained just by applying the concept of dominated strategies to rule out a succession of inferior strategies until only one choice remains.

A strategy is dominated by a second strategy if the second strategy is always at least as good (and sometimes better) regardless of what the opponent does. A dominated strategy can be eliminated immediately from further consideration.
For player 1, strategy 3 is dominated by strategy 1 Because both players are assumed to be rational, player 2 also can deduce that player 1 has only these two strategies remaining under consideration

strategy 2 for player 1 becomes dominated by strategy 1 Consequently, both players should select their strategy 1. Player 1 then will receive a payoff of 1 from player 2

In general, the payoff to player 1 when both players play optimally is referred to as the value of the game. A game that has a value of 0 is said to be a fair game. Since this particular game has a value of 1, it is not a fair game. The concept of a dominated strategy is a very useful one for reducing the size of the payoff table that needs to be considered

This game does not have dominated strategies, so it is not obvious what the players should do. What line of reasoning does game theory say they should use?

Both players are rational Player 1 Strategy 1 winning 6 but loosing as much as -3 Player 2 is also rational so he will also avoid his strategy 3 So note a good option for player 1 Player 1 Strategy 3 large payoff of 5 but more chances of loosing because Player 2 his rational opponent will avoid taking his strategy 1

(This line of reasoning assumes that both players are averse to risking larger losses than necessary, in contrast to those individuals who enjoy gambling for a large payoff against long odds.)

Even when the opponent deduces a players strategy, the opponent cannot exploit this information to improve his position. Stalemate The end product of this line of reasoning is that each player should play in such a way as to minimize his maximum losses whenever the resulting choice of strategy cannot be exploited by the opponent to then improve his position. This so-called minimax criterion is a standard criterion proposed by game theory for selecting a strategy
Notice the interesting fact that the same entry in this payoff table yields both the

maximin and minimax values.

The reason is that this entry is both the minimum in its row and the maximum of its column. The position of any such entry is called a saddle point. Because of the saddle point, neither player can take advantage of the opponents strategy to improve his own position

This is a stable solution (also called an equilibrium solution), players 1 and 2 should exclusively use their maximin and minimax strategies, respectively.

some games do not possess a saddle point, in which case a more

complicated analysis is required. How

should this game be


Player 1 = Strategy 1 gets + 2 Player 2 = Strategy 3 looses 2 Player 1 = Strategy 1 looses - 2 Player 2 = Strategy 2 gets + 2

Player 1 = Strategy 2 gets +4 Player 2 = Strategy 2 looses -4

Player 1 = Strategy 2 looses -3 Player 2 = Strategy 3 gain +3 Player 1 = Strategy 1 gets + 2 Player 2 = Strategy 3 looses 2 Whole cycle is repeated

Therefore, even though this game is being played only once, any tentative choice of a strategy leaves that player with a motive to consider changing strategies, either to take advantage of his opponent or to prevent the opponent from taking advantage of him. In short, the originally suggested solution (player 1 to play strategy 1 and player 2 to play strategy 3) is an unstable solution, so it is necessary to develop a more satisfactory solution. But what kind of solution should it be?

The key fact seems to be that whenever one players strategy is predictable, the opponent can take Advantage of this information to improve his position. Therefore, an essential feature of a rational plan for playing a game such as this one is that neither player should be able to deduce which strategy the other will use. Hence, in this case, rather than applying some known criterion for determining a single strategy that will definitely be used, it is necessary to choose among alternative acceptable strategies on some kind of random basis. By doing this, neither player knows in advance which of his own strategies will be used, let alone what his opponent will do.

These plans (x1, x2, . . . , xm) and ( y1, y2, . . . , yn) are usually referred to as mixed strategies, and the original strategies are then called pure strategies When game is played pure strategies are chosen by using random device to obtain a random observation from the probability.

To play the game each player could then flip a coin to determine which of his two acceptable pure strategies he will actually use

In this context, the minimax criterion says that a given player should select the mixed strategy that minimizes the maximum expected loss to himself.
This criterion says to maximin instead, i.e., maximize the minimum expected payoff to the player. By the minimum expected payoff we mean the smallest possible expected payoff that can result from any mixed strategy with which the opponent can counter. Thus, the mixed strategy for player 1 that is optimal according to this criterion is the one that provides the guarantee (minimum expected payoff) that is best (maximal). (The value of this best guarantee is the maximin value, denoted by v.) Similarly, the optimal strategy for player 2 is the one that provides the best guarantee, where best now means minimal and guarantee refers to the maximum expected loss that can be administered by any of the opponents mixed strategies. (This best guarantee is the minimax value, denoted by v

games not having a saddle point turned out to be unstable (no stable solutions)

games not having a saddle point turned out to be unstable (no stable solutions)

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