Entrepreneurship Education in The 21 Century: From Legitimization To Leadership

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Entrepreneurship Education in st Century: From the 21 Legitimization to Leadership


Dr. Donald F. Kuratko

The Kelley School of Business Indiana University - Bloomington

The Millennium Mindset

An Entrepreneurial Perspective

Entrepreneurial Perspective
Entrepreneurship is an integrated concept that permeates an individuals business in an innovative manner. It is this perspective that has revolutionized the way business is conducted at every level and in every country.

Emerging Issues in Entrepreneurship

Emerging Issues in Entrepreneurship

Venture financing, has emerged with unprecedented strength. Corporate entrepreneurship has become a major focus. Entrepreneurship and strategy have found common linkages.

Emerging Issues (cont.)

Women and minority entrepreneurs have soared in unprecedented numbers.
The entrepreneurial spirit is universal, based on interest in entrepreneurship around the globe.

Emerging Issues (cont.)

Family businesses have now emerged as a concentrated field of study.
Entrepreneurial education is now the hottest topic at U.S. business and engineering schools.

Entrepreneurship Educations Remarkable Growth

2,200 courses 1,600 schools 277 endowed positions 44 refereed academic journals over 100 established centers $440 million in wealth
(over 75% accrued since 1987)
~ Katz, 2003

Solomon, Duffy, and Tarabishy (2002) conducted one of the most comprehensive empirical analyses on entrepreneurship education.

A core objective of entrepreneurship education is that it differentiates from typical business education.

Innovative Entrepreneurship Programs

Model programs include undergraduate programs, graduatelevel programs, innovative pedagogy, and specialized programs.

Concerns/Challenges for Entrepreneurship Education

Vesper (1999) warned that there was unfinished business left from th Century. He saw this in the 20 terms of legitimacy, paradigms, content, research, autonomy, and permanence.

Stevenson (2000) warned,

An entrepreneurial revolution has occurred..

The danger lies in presuming that the future is without challenge.

Entrepreneurship is now a part of the mainstream

however, the greatest danger of all.. guarding the past, espousing orthodoxy and refusing to see the wisdom inherent in the future will lead to the same problems in education as in business. (Stevenson,2000)

The Maturity Question

How many full departments of entrepreneurship exist? How many young faculty are being granted tenure for their research and teaching in entrepreneurship?

How many deans are rising from the ranks of entrepreneurship faculty? How many business schools rank the pure entrepreneurship journals on their A list?

Our collective leadership must inspire the next generation of entrepreneurship faculty to take our discipline to the next plateau.

Entrepreneurships rightful place in business schools of st Century will be one the 21 of leadership in curriculum, research and faculty.

The Research Dilemma

for the mainstream entrepreneurship journals.

ET&P, JSBM, JBV These are quality journals!!

The Shortage of Entrepreneurship Faculty

There is a shortage of entrepreneurship faculty at every academic rank.

The entrepreneurship discipline must develop faculty. We have pioneered an entire academic field that has grown exponentially in 30 years! Why should we stop short now?

Babson College has produced the Price-Babson College Fellows program.

Syracuse University has developed an Experiential Classroom.

The Technology Challenge

only 21 percent of the respondents indicated they use distance-learning technologies in their entrepreneurship education courses.
(Solomon, et al. 2002)

Technology must be embraced inside and outside of our classrooms.

The DotCom Legacy

Our classrooms became infatuated with the drive for liquidity, fast cash, quick exits. We pursued an investment mentality rather than facilitating the search for an enduring enterprise!

The Academia/Business Incongruence

John Hughes and Michael Hennessy

(Coleman Foundation)

have argued for (and financially supported) the integration of entrepreneurs (Es) into the classroom setting with academics (As).

The Dilution Effect

As entrepreneurship has become more legitimized in our universities, there is a danger of diluting its real meaning!

There seems to be a real use and abuse of this term for purposes other than enhancing the field of entrepreneurship education. As entrepreneurship educators, we must be guardians of the true meaning and intent of the word entrepreneurship.

The Security-Risk Dilemma

Too many faculty pursue tenure as their only goal. The challenges of entrepreneurship are for later in their career.

What message is being conveyed in our classrooms? Students should embrace risk while faculty pursue security! It is a real dilemma that exists in academia!

The Administration Revolving Door Problem

Provosts, and Deans are continuously changing among universities. With those position changes come values and vision changes.

Entrepreneurship Faculty Must Build Their Programs/Centers Into The University!!

The Power of One Challenge

Critics argue that our field is weak because many EPrograms hinge on one persons drive and determination.

I would argue that it is our strength!

A Call To Action!
A Call for Leadership!

(Our Challenge)

To move the world, we must first move ourselves.


Each one of us can make a difference

if we try!

Remember, the journey of 10,000 miles always starts with one step!

The emerging generation of entrepreneurship educators must avoid the paradigm paralysis that has consumed so many business disciplines.


Terminal Disease of Certainty

As entrepreneurship educators we must have the same innovative drive and risk taking propensity that is expected from entrepreneurship students.

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